Summary: The "Sacred Secret of God" is the sum total of the knowledge wrapped up in, and/or brought us by, Jesus Christ! (John 15:11‑15)
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The .pdf booklets were created to be printed and given to people who do not have computer access. (Most of the supporting scriptures are included as footnotes.) Please feel free (we hope compelled) to print and share (without charge) any of our .pdf booklets with anyone who has an interest in the Bible. The better or at least more efficient way to study the Bible, however, is using the online webpages like this one (an .html file designed to display in web browsers).
It is better because the scriptures in support of points made are linked, thus making for an easier study of the solid spiritual food being presented from the Bible. (Heb 5:11-14)
The "Sacred Secret of God" is referred to by different phrases in the Bible. Another way it can be thought of is "The Good News of the Kingdom." (Mat 4:23; 1 Tim 1:9-17) My hope is, after you consider the scriptures presented here, you will understand what that "secret" is... It's really not difficult for those sincerely seeking the truth! But, you must be looking. (2 Cor 4:3-6) Here, then, are some scriptural references to that "Sacred Secret" you should be familiar with. The first was made by Jesus Christ and the second by the Apostle Paul:
Mark 4:11-12 Modern King James Version – [MKJV] And He [Jesus] said to them, To you it is given to know the [Sacred Secret or] mystery of the kingdom of God. But to those outside [those who don't have love for the truth], all these things are given in parables (12) so that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. [They are not helped because they don't care about God and good and truth!]
Romans 11:25 Contemporary English Version – [CEV – The Apostle Paul] My friends, I don't want you Gentiles to be too proud of yourselves. So I will explain the mystery [or sacred secret] of what has happened to the people of Israel. Some of them have become stubborn, and they will stay like that until the complete number of you Gentiles has come in.
What, then, is that "secret" of God, and how is it a help to both Gentiles and Jews? What caused (or illuminated) the stubbornness mentioned among the Jews there in Rom 11:25? Their stubbornness was manifest in their attitude [as a nation] toward Jesus as the Son God, sent to teach them a new way of worship [or to amend their old one]. (John 4:23; John 3:19) Jesus taught them they were responsible to learn to worship God as individuals, rather than as part of a group; (John 4:14-26) with the associated "group" responsibility. [The way the whole nation was responsible when Achan sinned.(Joshua 7:4-26)] Those ancient Jews didn't want to listen to Jesus, however. Instead, they wanted to cling to their former way of worship. (Luke 3:7-9; John 8:31-47) So, if we are Jews, and/or, if we are among people who assert they are Christian, we need to be cautious we are not clinging to our "religion" in the same way those ancient Jews did. (Please note religion is very different from Christianity.)The revelation of the Sacred Secret, the secret about the proper way to worship God, was and is given and must be received from Jesus Christ alone:
Romans 16:25-27 Modern World Translation – [MWT] God can make you strong by means of the Good News: The message I [Paul] tell about Jesus Christ. He can strengthen you by revealing the sacred secret [or mystery] that has been kept in silence for a very long time (26) but now is made manifest. The everlasting God ordered that what the prophets wrote must be explained to the people of every nation by means of his son Christ Jesus, to bring them to the obedience that is associated with faith. (27) God alone is wise. Glory belongs to him through Jesus Christ forever! Amen.
Even after learning the "secret" is being, and must be, taught us by Christ, we must still put forth effort to understand what it is and how to take advantage of it!How can we learn to do that? How can we truly believe in God's Sacred Secret? We should begin by noting, in addition to being a promise of יהוה, the hope has been with us since the beginning; given while our first parents were still dying [after they had sinned] in the garden of Eden. (Note: is God's personal name as given to us in the Hebrew language of the original Old Testament text.) Geneses records that Adam and Eve had sinned against God and brought the resultant death upon themselves, and, on all of us as their unborn children. (Rom 5:12)
[Please consider Genesis chapters 1-3 - Diseased or genetically defective people cannot give birth to healthy children. In similar fashion, we were all born sinful, the same as Adam and Eve had rebelliously remade themselves; no longer the perfect creatures God had made.] At the same time God pronounced judgment on Adam and Eve and Satan, He also promised a blessing upon all the righteously inclined persons among Adam's (and Eve's) future children. That promise gave birth to, or is our first glimpse of, the Sacred Secret of God. That secrets revelation has been unfolding ever since. As said above, however: You must be sincerely looking. That must include your avoiding being deceived by false religion, by the manychurches of this world; by those who actually exist only to deceive. (2 Cor 4:3-6; Mat 7:15) Your protection: Just really listen to Christ. (Mat 17:5) Jesus is, and/or contains, the Good News of the Kingdom! (John 6:63; John 18:37; John 5:24; Rev 19:13) That "Good News" is God's secret, and, it is hidden from or is a secret only to those who do not want to see. (2 Cor 4:3-6) Consider our first glimpse, then, of the Sacred Secret:
Genesis 3:11-15 Good News Bible [GNB] … God asked. "Did you eat the fruit that I told you not to eat?" (12) The man answered, "The woman you put here with me gave me the fruit, and I ate it." (13) The LORD God[יהוה] asked the woman, "Why did you do this?" She replied, "The snake tricked me into eating it." (14) Then the LORD God[] said to the snake, "You will be punished for this; you alone of all the animals must bear this curse: From now on you will crawl on your belly, and you will have to eat dust as long as you live. (15) I will make you and the woman hate each other; her offspring and yours will always be enemies. Her offspring will crush your head, and you will bite her offspring's heel."
[After that first glimps of God's Sacred Secret, the redemption and salvation of mankind would take 6000 years bringing us to our day. This scripture was a simple way for God to talk to us about Satan (as represented by the serpent) and about the coming Messiah (as represented in the promised seed of the woman) who would destroy (who is now destroying) Satan and his works. (Rev 20-10; Rev 20:13-15; 1 John 3:8)]
The good promise God there uttered(at the same time he gave his judgment on Adam and Eve's disobedience),was that at some future day one of the woman's seed(one of her descendant's)would crush Satan's head. That "promised future deliverer" was and is the foundation of the Sacred Secret of God.(You will note this translation of the Bible [Good News Bible], along with several others, used "LORD" to replace 's personal name. They stated they had used "LORD" in all capitol letters to let us recognize everywhere they had replaced יהוה 's personal Hebrew Name, when translating the Old Testament [OT] from Hebrew. Some other translations replaced יהוה with several hundred year old attempts to translate the Divine Name into English as "Jehovah" or "Yahweh." [Exo 6:3] Some apparently replaced the Divine Name because of a superstitious fear that developed against pronouncing God's personal Name. I have come to fear whether using either LORD, or any attempt to translate the Divine Name into English [or any other language], is acceptable to יהוה . [Lev 24:16] My concern is because the translation of his Diving Name into any other language was not inspired by God, as the original Bible use of his Name in Hebrew was. [2 Tim 3:16-17] Whether you should use an attempted translation of his Divine Name into another language does seem something you should seriously question! [Exo 20:7] A sensible solution would have been to simply carry that Hebrew name over into any English text; as is done herein.
This is important: English speakers should every one learn to recognize and pronounce
's Hebrew name. [Rom 10:13-15] The Divine Name is written from right to left and its letters are pronounced Yod ( י ) He ( ה ) Vav ( ו ) He ( ה ). Since God had his name recorded over 6000 times in the original Old Testament text, it is clear He wanted his name known. His son Jesus believed that as well. Jesus brought glory to his Father's Name at all times, including his prayers:
John 17:25-26 MWT 25 Righteous Father, the world has, indeed, not come to know you; but I have come to know you, and these [his followers] have come to know that you sent me forth. 26 And I have made your name [ ] known to them and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them.”
The personal name יהוה is not to be confused with descriptive titles used for God such as “Sovereign LORD,” “Creator,” “Father,” “the Almighty" or even "God.” There are many Gods. (1 Cor 8:5-6) יהוה is the self-given Personal Name of the only true God. What ever language you speak, then, and especially if you profess Christianity, you should recognize יהוה as the name of the Father and God (John 20:17) who sent us Christ! (John 6:44a; John 18:37b) God willing, we will always use the Divine Name of
and make clear we do so to join Christ in showing and bringing respect for that name. (John 17:6-10) For English speakers God's Name sounds like . (As in Yea-go-team followed by the first two letters of vault.) יהוה has been the Name of the true God for at least all of the 6000 years recounted by the Bible and probably forever. If you worship a God other than יהוה , no matter how many people encourage you and tell you you are doing good, you are not! That is the cleansing and sanctifying truth brought us by Christ. (John 17:15-17))
Our first glimpse of the Sacred Secret, then, was that promise in Genesis 3:15 that a seed of the woman would undo what Satan and Adam and Eve had done (in bringing death to us all). (John 3:8b) Ever since that promise, all creation has been waiting (Rom 8:22) to see how God would cause that to become, and, who “the seed of the woman” would prove to be. Four thousand years after that promise made in the Garden, Jesus Christ presented himself as that “seed” of promise. (Heb 10:1 & 5-10) He thus referred to himself, and is noted in the Bible as, the “son of man”; the seed of the woman. (John 5:27) He came to peel back the lies Satan used to besmirch his "our" Father, (John 18:37b) and to reveal and teach each of us who יהוה really is. (Mat 11:25-30) The “Sacred Secret,” therefore, amounts to the sum total of all the knowledge revealed in and by Jesus Christ.
You could not (no one could) understand the secret until it was יהוה ’s time for it to be fully revealed. That knowledge is "our" revelation. It is important for you to understand: The time for that revelation has arrived! Jesus is working with those in the earth who love him, (Mark 3:31-35) so as to help every righteously inclined person understand their part in the unfolding of the Sacred Secret. (John 14:15-21) You must simply understand it for yourself, and then, if you want to benefit yourself, (Isa 48:17) help others to understand. (Rom 10:9-10) Print this webpage and give it to everyone you know. You don't have to preach "at" them, just ask their opinion about these scriptures...
That summarizes "the Sacred Secret of God"! These presented scriptures should help you realize and understand God's Sacred Secret is revealed in the words of Jesus Christ... What these scriptures present is true because it has to be true! For any hope to exist, it must be a hope in good. We see from living among men, for good to exist, there has to be a cause for good, and, one to maintain and enforce its existence. Assuming that basic truth, the Sacred Secret of God is the only possible explanation and hope.
If you would like to consider some additional scriptures explaning the Sacred Secret, please continue: We learned a great deal more about the secret from a second promise by God, this one made to Abraham about 2000 years after the promise in Eden, and nearly 2000 years before Christ appeared. This second promise was that Eve's saving descendant would come through the line of Abraham (the father of the Jewish nation). The ancient Jewish nation was used by God for a period of time, both as his representatives in the earth (John 4:19-23) and probably more importantly, to produce the promised “seed of the woman”: Jesus was born a Jew. (Mat 1:1)
This additional messianic promise, this one to Abraham, was that by means of Abraham's seed all nations of the earth would bless themselves. (Gen 22:15-18) Those listening to God (those putting faith in the Bible) knew from that promise to expect the Messiah promised Eve and Adam to appear among Abraham's descendants. They now knew from God's word, that the promised deliverer would be a descendant of King David. (1 Chron 17:7-14) Just as God's word promised, Jesus was born from that Jewish nation through Abraham, and then through David (who descended from Abraham about 1000 years after Abraham lived). (Mat 1:1) More of the secret was thus revealed.
A little over 500 years before Jesus was born, mankind knew (again from the Bible) that the revelation of the secret would include the reestablishment of the kingdom of David. (Luke 1:32-33)
David was an ancient Jewish King who was dear to יהוה's heart (Acts 13:22) and whose kingdom provided a time of peace and security for the ancient peoples of the earth [for those who loved God]. During David's rule, his kingdom [God's kingdom] in Jerusalem ruled the whole earth. In that sense, then, David's kingdom foreshadowed the then future world wide kingdom of Christ. [Please do not confuse this scriptural Christian history to be a support for Judaism as an acceptable approach to . When the Jewish religious leaders (and their nation as a whole) rejected Jesus as Messiah, he told them their house was abandoned to them. (Mat 23:37-38) The Jews have a
rich history as the nation that produced the Christ. When they rejected and killed Christ, however, God's arrangement with them was changed. Since that time, Jews have to place faith in Christ Jesus to find favor with יהוה; just like all the rest of us. (Gal 5:6) We must each one become a new creation through personal faith in Christ's teachings [they are actuall returned to the creation Adam and Eve were before they sinned; but tested faithful]. (Gal 6:15) Please take to heart that these words are literal: Those with faith in Christ are reborn from a dying society with a new hope of life; the hope of staying alive forever. (Job 33:13-30) Every person ever born was technically already dead. They just have (or had) a few years to walk around before the death sentence overtakes them. Those who express faith in Christ become a new creation (2 Cor 5:17) by having been given the gift of eternal life to replace their death sentence. By means of their faith, they are no longer headed to the grave. They have been made alive. (John 5:24) Today, every person breathing is either a Christian with a hope of life through faith in Christ, or, they are not; in which case they will continue dying in their sins (John 8:24) (if they don’t repent and change). That’s the only two choices there are for any of us! Jesus is the Messiah and the seed of "the woman" and of Abraham, by means of whom all the earth is being (or can be) blessed. All God’s promises to all the faithful men and women who have ever lived are fulfilled in Christ, upon all those who adhere to faith in him. (Acts 3:25-26; Rom 4:13; Gal 3:29)] God will restore the peaceful conditions the Jews knew under
King David’s rule, and far better, under the kingdom of Christ. (Acts 1:6-7; Luke 19:11; Mark 11:9-10; Ps 40:5-10) Recognize Jesus as king (1 Cor 15:20-28) to the glory of his Father יהוה. (1 Cor 15:34; John 13:31)
At the time God's ancient nation of Israel was destroyed and many of the survivors became captives in Babylon (because of their own badness), God's prophet Daniel realized from reading Bible prophecy that the Jews would be repatriated to their homeland in 537 BCE (that all took place in Daniel's day and a little over 2500 years ago). While Daniel did figure out when his nation would return to their homeland, he also wrongly believed God would reestablish his kingdom over the earth at that time. Daniel was right in understanding Bible prophecy (a part of God's Secret) about the Jews being freed from Babylon to return to Jerusalem, but he misunderstood about God's kingdom being reestablished in his day. Daniel's efforts allowed mankind to know a little more about the sacred secret, but it still wasn't fully revealed. It was not God's time. When Jesus presented himself as the Messiah about 500 years after Daniel, he revealed the Secret of God to his followers, (Acts 2:36) but it still took many years for
mankind to really understand what he had said. We are only now doing so. All during that time, Jesus has been making preparation for his return as king of God's kingdom. That brings us to our day in time and to the question we should all be concerned with: When is Christ's Kingdom being revealed?
His disciples did ask Jesus that very question:
(Matthew 24:3 GNB) As Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him in private. "Tell us when all this will be," they asked, "and what will happen to show that it is the time for your [presence, or arrival, or] coming and the end of the age [or, the end of this system of things, or, the end of the world]."
They wanted to know when Jesus was going to reestablish God’s kingdom over the earth and remove the old world system. They realized the answer to that question was also the final revelation of the Sacred Secret of God. Jesus answered them:
(Matthew 24:5-14 GNB) Many men, claiming to speak for me, will come and say, 'I am the Messiah!' and they will fool many people. (6) You are going to hear the noise of battles close by and the news of battles [wars] far away; but do not be troubled. Such things must happen, but they do not mean that the end has come. (7) Countries will fight each other; kingdoms will attack one another. There will be famines and earthquakes everywhere. (8) All these things are like the first pains of childbirth. (9) "Then you will be arrested and handed over to be punished and be put to death. Everyone will hate you because of me. (10) Many will give up their faith at that time; they will betray one another and hate one another. (11) Then many false prophets will appear and fool many people. (12) Such will be the spread of evil that many people's love will grow cold. (13) But whoever holds out to the end will be saved. (14) And this Good News about the Kingdom will be preached through all the world for a witness to all people; and then the end will come.
All these things Jesus mentioned have been happening to a much greater degree since 1914 and the start of WWI. Mankind had never seen such a war; they felt the need to name it a World War.
Did you note Jesus said (Mat 24:14) the last thing to happen in this dying world system was that everyone would hear the “Good News about the Kingdom”? That “Good News” is the “sacred secret” of God! And, it's what you are hearing right now. Understanding the Sacred Secret revealed by God apportions it to you, and to me, to shed light (Mat 5:14-16) in this bedarkened world, by telling everyone what is happening to them and why. (1 Cor 15:34) Tell God's "Sacred Secret" to everyone who will listen. Tell the “Good News about the Kingdom” to everyone who will listen! That is not hard. All it requires of you is to encourage them to listen to Christ as you carefully explain they can only be certain they are doing that by reading his words for themselves. The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are your only source of the words of Christ! (Mark 9:7; John 6:63b) Direct people to this website as a way to encourage them to Christ. And remember: Jesus didn't say everyone would accept the "Good News." What he did say was "everyone" would hear. The tribulation is forcing everyone alive to hear! The more people told the truth,
whether or not they use that knowledge to choose life by becomming subjects of Christ's kingdom, the closer we still are to paradise restored. (Is 60:22 - God is "speeding up the time of the end" by the act of making known and understood his "Sacred Secret." He is now offering you the opportunity to help him accomplish that! - Rom 10:9-10)To summarize the Sacred Secret of God, there are four things every person alive needs to be helped to know:
First: Everyone needs to understand the importance of the Bible in their life. Knowledge of truth very literally means life. (John 17:3) That knowledge of truth is available only in the words of Jesus. (John 8:31-32) Learning what God is doing my means of Christ’s teachings helps us to both know יהוה and then to desire his will. If you truly know God, you can't help but love him and desire his will. (Mat 6:9-10) We can then have faith we will receive what we seek(the continuation of our life) because we know it is in harmony with the will of God. (Mat 24:36-39)
Second: As Jesus said above, (Mat 24:14) the end of this old system cannot come until the preaching work is completed. That work is accomplished as sincere students of Jesus Christ speak lovingly with others about what they have learned from the Bible: The "Sacred Secret" about (or which is) the “good news of the kingdom.” There is no reason to fight with anyone. As you speak wholeheartedly about your Bible hope, whether they hear or no, you strengthen your own faith by your effort. If they don't want to hear, take your leave. The choice is theirs alone. Maybe something you say will cause them to decide to hear at a later date. By your obedience, you work out your own salvation. (Phil 2:12) [That is not to say you can earn life. Life is a gift from our heavenly Father to those who make the choice to stop harming
other people. If you do love him (and others), however, you will obey him. (1 John 5:3) That does include warning them about what is happening to them! (Rom 10:9-10; Eze 3:17-19)]
Third: Jesus was quoted as saying in Mat 24:5(above), that many would claim to be teaching what he taught when they really were not. Many of them are sincere enough to approach Jesus based on their faith in service to him. (Mat 7:21-23) Sadly, they had not been actually listening to Jesus. (John 8:31-32) Jesus said all those false teachers and their followers would comprise a composite force of apostasy he and his followers referred to as “the man of lawlessness.” (2 Thes 2:1-3) They also said that man of lawlessness would have to be “revealed.” His needing to be revealed implies he exists in secret and has achieved some stature by appearing upright and holy (when he really wasn't). The "man of lawlessness" (being made up of all the false religious teachers combined) needed to be revealed because he was claiming (each component sect of him was claiming) he was a Christian teacher. They are not! Jesus warned his true followers not to be misled by religion. The danger of being misled was real even for Jesus's own footstep followers. That danger remains real for each of us today. Jesus taught you how to both recognize and to help expose the man of lawlessness! Very simply, every sect making up the “man of lawlessness” shares one error in common: They each have their own doctrine and thus direct you to their creeds and dogma's (their own religious written materials) rather than to the Gospels of Christ. So... They are not following Jesus's teachings. (Mat 15:9) The Pope, for example, as leader of the world's largest religious organization, just took a huge step toward saying homosexuality is acceptable to God. Do you think what the Bible actually teaches about that exposes him as a false prophet? (1 Cor 6:9-10)
Fourth: And perhaps most importantly, everyone needs to understand: “The end” Jesus spoke about is not a bad thing. It is the "end" of this "wicked old world system" that has existed for all these thousands of years since Adam. Put bluntly, the old system (or systems) of government has been tolerated in part as an example of what happens when nations exist apart from God's direction. (Rom 13:1-2) The kings of this world, however, have had their day. (Isa 2:2-4) Every way for mankind to imagine to govern has been tried. The actions by all those unrighteous rulerships, and by those who have followed them, are the manifestations of mankind's disobedience to God. That rebellious course has created the great tribulation consuming our world in these last days. That's what Jesus was talking about in Mat 24:6-12 (above). Every single thing he mentioned prophetically, as the composite sign of the end of this system, is coming true in our day!
There will no doubt be lots of people who think these four points, and this very specific warning by Jesus Christ, are foolishness. (1 Cor 1:18-31) Don't you see, though, that is the very decision Jesus came to help us all make? (John 12:44-50) We are each and every one of us judging ourselves by our reaction to what
Jesus came to teach. (John 12:44-50) It is true some individuals have been saying “he is coming, he is coming,” nearly since the sacred secret was first uttered 6000 years ago in the Garden. (Mat 24:23-27) Make no mistake, though: It is happening. What should be of greatest interest to each one of us? The fact that the signs of the end Jesus gave are in place along with the realization it is happening in our day. If you choose to ignore what Jesus Christ taught, it will lose you your greatest possession; your hope of eternal life. If you do build faith in the words of Christ, your faith is the means and mechanism of your staying alive forever. (Job 33:13-30; Mat 24:37-39; 1 Pet 3:20) If you are to build and maintain such a saving faith, you must start with gaining a personal understanding of what Jesus Christ taught. Therein lies a great danger for you. Jesus said in Mat 24:5(above) that many would claim to be speaking for him when they really were not. Based on that warning, we herein make clear to you the distinction between “religion” and “Christianity.” You can recognize Christianity as the only true faith because everything Jesus Christ said would happen, is happening. True Christians define themselves as his followers by looking to his teachings as their only source of reliable truth. They all teach others that same simple truth. If you have any man, woman or group you are looking to for guidance about what you should believe, Jesus said you are in grave danger. (Mark 7:7) So... Any form of worship that isn't Christianity; defined so by personal knowledge of, and faith in, the words of Christ; is religion bringing death.
From the warning Jesus gave about false prophets who would claim to be him, or claim to represent him, you should by now realize something else about religion: It is not just those religions that fly planes into skyscrapers to blow up women and children, and whose religion has no connection to Jesus Christ, (Acts 4:12) that are bad. Those who claim to be Christian must be tested to verify they really are. How can you test? Simple! By knowing for yourself what Jesus taught. (John 10:22-28; John 8:31-32) If you know intimately what Jesus did say, you will know whether those who come in his name are really speaking his words. One of the best ways you can recognize false prophets is simply by who they direct you to. Do they direct you to listen to Christ by reading "his" words for yourself, or try to bury you in their religious sectarian writings and teachings? It's exactly as Jesus himself said: You must “remain in "his" teachings.” What does that even mean, to remain in the teachings of Jesus? That hasn't changed one bit since he was alive on earth. When his mother and brothers came to speak with him while he was teachings others what his Father sent him to teach, they sent someone in to interrupt him and tell him his family was outside wanting to speak with him. Jesus told those persons:
Mark 3:33-35 •..."'Who are my mother and my brothers?' 34 And having looked about upon those sitting around him in a circle, he said: 'See, my mother and my brothers! 35 Whoever does the will of God, this one is my brother and sister and mother.'”•
Those who were sitting at Jesus's feet and learning from him were the ones doing the will of his Father. (John 6:28-29; Mat 12:46-50) That made them his family. If you do the same (and you are careful to follow only Jesus's teachings) you will be saved. Your faith in truth will grant you life. (Mat 8:13; Heb 10:37-39) Again, in light of Jesus’s many warnings about false teachers, (Mark 7:1-9) it is wise to consider the ways he said we can identify them. He said we could know the false teachers by the fruit they
bear. (Mat 7:15-16) As Jesus identified, then, whether they are producing good fruitage is identified by whether they are learning (and teaching others) what he taught. If people want to join you in reading what Jesus taught, right from the Bible, they are helping. If they want to involve you in a study of materials written by them (which they will likely call Bible study aids), you are in danger. (Mark 7:1-9) Jesus was sent to teach us what his Father wanted us to know. (John 5:19-24) Those men who want to convince you of your need for them to explain what Jesus meant are really trying to replace Christ as your teacher. They are, in effect, saying they are Christ (or his replacements). (Mat 24:23-27) If you can be convinced you need some sect to explain what Jesus meant by what he said, who are you really following? Jesus said exactly what he meant for you to know. He intended no interpreter. It is a very simple process really:
יהוה is looking through the earth for each righteously inclined individual who is searching for him. (2 Chron 16:9) יהוה then directs those persons (those with a heart complete toward him) to the teachings of his son. (John 6:44a; John 6:65) Jesus, in turn, teaches those who are drawn to him by his Father; about his
Father. (Mat 11:27-30) What you need to know is contained in the record of Jesus's teachings in the four short Gospel books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Sitting at Jesus feet, by reading his own words, puts you in the group he founded and said were his family. (Mat 12:46-50) Be very cautious of joining any religious group, or in feeling justified by your membership among any of such groups. (Mark 7:1-9) Remember, it wasn't the drunks and harlots that primarily turned people away from Jesus. It was religious people; and especially their leaders. (John 7:40-49) The religious leaders in Jesus's day were so self-righteous as to render their judgment against even the son of God. (John 7:40-49) How could they be so foolish? Jesus told them they were wrong because they didn't actually know what the Bible said. (Mark 12:24) They claimed and believed they were Bible scholars (John 8:31-34) but
Jesus said it was not the Bible they were learning. He said they were learning traditions of men handed down by their forefathers. (Mark 7:1-9) Many or even most of modern day religious people probably mean well, but are just like the religions leaders of Jesus's day. Having good intentions will be no benefit if you allow yourself to be carried along by doctrines and traditions contrived by men.(Mat 7:21-24) If you are surrounded by people who want to make rules about what you should and shouldn't do, you should
evaluate your faith. Jesus came and gave his life to provide us a chance for life. (John 1:9-14; Romans 3:23-26) His words alone must tell you what you should do. You must have your own conscience built on your own personal knowledge of what Christ taught. (Romans 2:14-16) Jesus came to teach us and to warn about false teachers, and to reassure you that you don't need to worry about being deceived by them. Jesus is right there in your own Bible; we all simply need to listen to his
words. (John 7:16-18; Mat 24:23-27) As we read the Gospels, (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) thus demonstrating we understand that's the only way we can know we are hearing Christ's actual words, we demonstrate we are adopted into Jesus's family. We become sons and daughters of his Father. (Mark 3:31-35) We put ourselves in line for the blessings promised the seed of Abraham. (Acts 3:25-26; Romans 4:13; Gal 3:7) If religious people really do mean well, they will surely abandon religion and learn this truth for themselves; Jesus's truth. (Mat 19:29; Php 3:4-9) (That decision rests with them, of course, and our heavenly
Father.) The only chance you have of helping anyone else, is if you make the choice to build unwavering faith in what Jesus taught. Then, you can tell others what you have learned, and that they personally need to listen to Christ as well. No matter what good intentions they might have, if you join a group who is following other men, you will surely die. (John 8:24-32; John 10:10a-11; Mat 7:21-24)
If your will is to survive the end of this old system, (Luke 17:26-30) you must build faith to preserve yourself alive. (Heb 10:36-39) What יהוה is doing by means of his son Christ Jesus must be real to you. It must be real every second of every day. You must realize Jesus is right now “subduing in the midst of his enemies.” (Psalm 110:1-3) The fact you can hear this wonderful message of truth (the Sacred Secret) is proof of that! Satan's minions want you to hear and believe their doctrines, not this truth warning about them. Christ is clearly subduing in their midst. While Satan still influences this old system, (2 Cor 4:3-4) the teachings of Jesus have raised an army of Christians spread all through the earth who are submissive and loyal subjects of the kingdom of Christ. (Psalm 110:1-3) The truth Christians share from the Bible has power to burn away the facade of decency that allows a large portion of the earth's population to starve while others preach to them from glass cathedrals and ivory towers. (Heb 4:12-13) Just please recognize the common message among false Christian sects: They all believe (your)
salvation equates with membership in and/or approval by their respective group. When men claim your salvation is tied to approval by them, what they are really saying is “here is the Christ.” (Mat 24:23-26) When they elevate themselves to assert you can't understand the Bible apart from their interpretation of what Jesus said, they are claiming they are the Christ, or his God appointed stand in. If you believe them when they warn YOU not to run ahead of "them" to study on your own, but to patiently wait on them to reveal "spiritual food" to you, are you sure you can still convince Christ you have been following him? (Mat 7:22-23) Even if they sincerely believe what they are saying, are you sure Christ will approve you? Don't be fooled by religious people! (Mat 24:23-27)
[How can any follower of men really be duped to believe they are following Christ? It is because after Jesus left, men were appointed by holy spirit to govern the first century congregations (Acts 20:28-30) (so as to give the birth of Christianity a start in the midst of so many who wanted to destroy it - the early Christians didn't have the New Testament that we have today, as they were the ones who had to write those New Testament Scriptures). Some men today assert they are following in the steps of those early governors, but they are not. God did not expect people to believe blindly in those men He appointed in the first century. So, those spirit appointed men, who actually were acting for Christ, could also raise the dead and heal the sick, just like Jesus could do. (Acts 4:8-12) The Bible says such gifts would die out with the revelation of the sacred secret. (1 Cor 13:8-12) As people were granted by Christ to understand his teachings, (John 16:7; John 14:26; John 15:26; John 14:15-21) there was no longer any need for human governors. In our day, Christians live not by sight, but by personal faith in the recorded words of Christ. (2 Cor 5:7; John 7:38; John 12:46; John 6:28-29; Rom 1:16-17) Modern day Christians thus understand we are all equal before Christ. The Spirit from Jesus's words (John 6:63) has taught us there are no human leaders among us! (John 14:25-26; John 14:15-17; Mat 23:1-15) Gaining an understanding of the sacred secret is a daystar arising in the heart of all those seeking God. (2 Pet 1:19; Rom 2:14-16) They are made followers of Christ by first putting forth effort to learn what he said! That effects their heart. The words of Christ then become an internal guide that wells up to impart everlasting life. (John 4:14) You can know יהוה
intimately, and you can be known by him, by learning and expressing faith in what He sent Jesus to teach. (Mat 17:5) It is just perfect! If someone wants you to believe they are under the influence of Holy Spirit; appointed by God as a brother of Christ and/or a stand-in for him, they should also raise the dead and heal the sick in proof of their bold assertion; just like the first century men appointed by Christ could do. What other reason, apart from us being silly or them displaying proof of spirit, could there possibly be to believe and blindly follow such persons imposters?] (Acts 20:7-12) Christ is alive and seated as king in heaven. How is he communicating with us today? He is alive and speaking from the pages of your own Bible. That's one of the things the Bible means when it says it is alive and exerts power. (Heb 4:12-13)
Let us caution again, reading the Bible and Gospels is the only way you can come to know Jesus intimately. All these self appointed religious groups have no power to fix the problems of mankind on their own. Our warning to them is: That's something they all need to realize, (Isa 45:23 of 22-25) either as groups or more importantly as individuals from among those groups. The kingdom of Christ is in the process of repairing all the damage Satan has done. (1 John 3:8b) People just need to be directed to what Jesus said, so they can individually understand and have faith in the Sacred Secret. It is a very bad thing to promise people to imagine their help can or will come through an approved standing within some sect of men. What they (what each of us) can and should do, is speak the truth to others by directing them to what Jesus taught. Our doing so gives them a chance to build faith in Christ. Contrary to popular religious teaching, you can not have a true and lasting faith (Mat 10:22b) in Jesus Christ if you don't first know personally what he said. (John 8:31-32; Mat 7:22-23) Reading your Bible is the only
method by which you come to know him. We do, of course, need to show loving kindness toward other people, helping everyone as we are able. Remember, however, Jesus is God's empowered king and he is in the process of fixing everything that is wrong. Remember too, our faith in that solution, in that Sacred Secret of God, is the personal deliverance for each one of us. (2 Chron 20:17a) Do good: Help others have faith in what Jesus taught.
You have faced and will face trials in this old world system. If this system was good, God would not be in the process of replacing it. It is so bad, however, it is crumbling down on itself. God wants to protect you alive, but, you must become a person He knows He can depend on; before He is able to help you. If He didn't make it so, those He protected would put us all right back in the same mess, by again choosing to disobey our Creator. What that all means is we must be determined, no matter what, to follow the directions of the son God sent to teach us. (Mat 21:33-41) We must become persons determined to do what God says because we understand God always does what is absolutely best for everyone. (Isa 48:16-19) That's what Jesus teaches us by his example. He came to do away with all that is bad, including even death. (1 Cor 15:20-28) If the promises of God aren't the most important thing in your life, the trials you face may overwhelm you: Those you love may turn their back on you. (Mat 10:32-39) You may find that what you have hoped in, or the people you believed
in, are not who they pretended or who you believed they were. If the kingdom by Christ is real to you, you will surely read and meditate on Jesus's teachings as the most important thing in life. In that case, none of those trials will be overwhelming, because your love for God is the most important thing.
(Mat 19:29; Php 3:4-9) You will know his promises are good and that your future is bright!
The teachings of Jesus must be so real to you that you consider yourself part of his family. More importantly, he must consider you part of his family. (John 15:14-15 of 11-16; 1 Cor 8:3) When Jesus was instructing others about what he himself had learned from his Father, (John 5:19) his family approached requesting he come outside and speak with them:
(Mark 3:31-35) 'Now his mother and his brothers came, and, as they were standing on the outside, they sent in to him to call him. 32 As it was, a crowd was sitting around him, so they said to him: “Look! Your mother and your brothers outside are seeking you.” 33 But in reply he said to
them: “Who are my mother and my brothers?” 34 And having looked about upon those sitting around him in a circle, he said: “See, my mother and my brothers! 35 Whoever does the will of God, this one is my brother and sister and mother.”'•
I do know we have already covered that scripture. Please take special note of who Jesus considered to be his family: He said it was those who were are “doing the will of his Father.” Jesus then pointed out those who were doing his Father’s will were the individuals seated around him listening to what he taught them; to what his Father wanted them to know. (John 7:16-18) That remains the only way you make yourself part of Jesus’s family right down to this day. Read what Jesus came to teach in the Gospel Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It really is just that simple. (Mat 11:25-30)
We have mentioned several times about surviving the end of this old system (by being preserved alive by God). It is important to realize that wonderful hope is part of the Sacred Secret of God. God promised (in the book of Job) there would come a time when there would be someone to intervene in behalf of those heading to the grave, and would turn them back from death. He promised their flesh would grow young again. (Job 33:16-30) Jesus also talked about that hope. Just before he resurrected Lazarus, Jesus told Lararus's sister Martha that all those who had died would be resurrected, but those who were alive at the time of
his return would never die at all. (John 11:21-27) Jesus also said the end of this old system would be like the days of Noah and Lot. Both were men of faith, and both (along with all who would listen to them) were preserved alive in their respective days of destruction (or salvation) by God. (Luke 17:26-30) When each of those men lived, the earth (or the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the case of Lot) was filled with violence. (Gen 6:12-14) Just as Jesus promised, the destruction of the earth in our day will be similar to the days of Noah. (Mat 24:36-39) The righteous will be preserved alive while the wicked will be destroyed. As God promised Ezekiel, when the wicked are destroyed, those marked in their forehead (because they were sighing and groaning over the badness and suffering in the earth) will be preserved alive. (Eze 9:1-7) Your personal faith
in Christ Jesus is the mark in your forehead. God foreknew a great tribulation that Jesus warned us about. He could foreknow it would happen because it is the natural consequence of disobedience to him. He did not cause it or bring it. We brought it upon ourselves by our hate for our fellowman and by having destroyed and polluted the earth the way we have. God actually holds off the destruction (Rev 7:1-3) until just the right time so as to save as many as possible. When God releases the destruction of our own making, He will at the same time be protecting those who love him as demonstrated their faith in his son (those who are marked in their forehead). That destruction may already have been released. If not, very soon. In the midst of it, everyone is deciding for themselves if they have faith. They either exercise faith in Christ; or not! (Eze 7:23-27; Heb 10:35-39) The tribulation and Armageddon we have brought and are
having to witness, should drive everyone to examine the hope that is wrapped up in Jesus – the Sacred Secret of יהוה. We will each one build faith in Jesus, or we won't. There is no exemption from the war. (Ecc 8:8) You must decide you do love God, or it means you don't. Read what Jesus taught and warn others to do the same. It is our only hope! (Isa 9:6-7; Isa 11:1-10)
If you wrap yourself in the teachings of Jesus Christ and try to follow his example, you don’t really have to worry about what not to do. His example will always help you know. With so many false teachers about, however, it does seem wise to give what we "should not do" some consideration.
The apostle Paul said:
Colossians 3:5-17 GNB You must put to death, then, the earthly desires at work in you, such as sexual immorality, indecency, lust, evil passions, and greed (for greed is a form of idolatry). (6) Because of such things God's anger will come upon those who do not obey him. (7) At one time you yourselves used to live according to such desires, when your life was dominated by them. (8) But now you must get rid of all these things: anger, passion, and hateful feelings. No insults or obscene talk must ever come from your lips. (9) Do not lie to one another, for you have put off the old self with its habits (10) and have put on the new self. This is the [new creation] new being (Gal 6:15) which God, its Creator, is constantly renewing in his own image, in order to bring you to a full knowledge of himself. (11) As a result, there is no longer any distinction between Gentiles and Jews, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarians, savages, slaves, and free, but Christ is all, Christ is in all. (12) You are the people of God; he loved you and chose you for his own. (2 Chron 16:9; John 6:44 of 43-47) So then, you must clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. (13) Be tolerant with one another and forgive one another whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. You must forgive one another just as the Lord has forgiven you. (14) And to all these qualities add love, which binds all things together in perfect unity. (15) The peace that Christ gives is to guide you in the decisions you make; for it is to this peace that God has called you together in the one body. And be thankful. (16) Christ's message in all its richness must live in your hearts. Teach and instruct one another with all wisdom. Sing psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing to God with thanksgiving in your hearts. (17) Everything you do or say, then, should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks through him to God the Father [יהוה].•
We have all practiced some of these wicked things, and we all struggle against the desire to practice some of them still yet. Otherwise, we would be perfect. (Rom 7:18-25) (We will, of course, regain the perfection our parents stole from us when we are in the restored paradise, and those sinful inclinations will be gone forever.) The point for us to realize is this: We must be trying to follow Christ, which also means we fight against our sinful desires because they are condemned by God. If we fall down, we must get up and renew the fight. We don't willfully practice such sins, or even say they are alright for others, maybe by claiming some bad sexual sin is an expression of love. (1 Cor 6:9-11) We must love God before we can love anyone else. (1 John 4:19) If we do love God, we will obey him. (1 John 5:3) Sometimes people look for their guidance to what the law of the land says is acceptable. Don’t be fooled: If you practice or condone as acceptable what God condemns, you are not a follower of Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 6:9-12) If you are able
to get every person alive to say you are right to practice a thing God condemns, you are still wrong and you will still die if you don't change. You don’t have to argue with people who pronounce that what is bad is good, (Isa 5:18-24) or be concerned with their lifestyle. Just tell them what the Bible says, along with your expression of faith in the Bible as The Word of God. Assure them you do understand your personal judgments have no value. What the Bible says, however, has great value. If they can justify their behavior before our Creator, I will all be happy for with them. If it is a practice which is condemned in God’s word, however, no one can justify it.
May the blessings of the revelation of the Sacred Secret of God come upon you, just as you express faith in Jesus Christ. Spend every day of your life better learning what Jesus came to teach.
Some of us used to be like the world and without God. But now, the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of God's Spirit have washed us and made us holy and acceptable to God. (Acts 2:36; Acts 4:8-13)
This material from is surely different from what you have heard or read before. So was what Jesus Christ taught. We do our best to expose the difference between religion and Christianity. Also, to warn that many who claim to be Christians are really not teaching what Jesus taught. (John 8:31-32; Mat 7:15-16) No matter what good intentions they might have, they are workers of lawlessness if they are going beyond (1 Cor 4:6) what Jesus Christ taught. (Mat 7:21-24) That simple knowledge lifts the veil (Luke 2:29-31) from people and they YOU are left to make the decision: (John 15:22) Will YOU serve God; or not? Will you Have you willingly become subservient to the teachings of Jesus? magnifies the awakening that is happening in the earth in our day. (Isa 45:23 or 22-25) We pray everyone will make the wise decision. (Deu 11:26-28) What about you? (John 11:26)
The Sacred Secret of God is the sum total of the knowledge contained in, and brought us by, Jesus Christ! (John 15:11‑15)
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