The demon worshipers killing kindergartners, along with so much more violence and hate, identifies a matter of common knowledge that still yet seems to surprise a few people: The pious churches and Religionists are actually servants of Satan, working to corrupt and mislead mankind. (1 John 5:19; Mat 23:1-15) Religion has controlled the nations for many centuries to cause terrible harm. (Rev 17:1-6) As founder and leader of all who are "real" Christians, Jesus did warn about the danger from both the religious wicked (Mat 7:15) and those deceived to follow... (Luke 13:25-27 of 23-28) Throughout history, the churches have blessed warfare as they tried to use the governments to increase [force] membership and gain power. They still yet encourage their members to kill [or at least hate] everyone refusing to join their sect; many making themselves what the Bible refers to as a "disgusting thing" by using Christ's name in their badness. (Mat 24:15 of 15-22) Perhaps most notoriously, the so called Holy Roman Church hid the Bible from mankind in a dead language for hundreds of years during the Dark Ages, while they courted and received power from Rome to kill and torture men, women and children; all as they saw fit. Hundreds of thousands were killed by them over centuries of time, many for such vile crimes as owning or even reading a Bible. Satan's deal with them: The church had power from the Roman State to kill and torture anyone the clergy considered to be [or "said" was] "standing away" from the church; while the state got respect and obedience from their citizens by their attempt to bring God into their "Holy Roman Government"... Churches who do such things are not the "Christians" they assert. They are enemies of Christ. (Php 3:17-19) All you need do to know if this is all true is to read your Bible; with a focus on the words of Jesus Christ... (Mark 9:7; John 18:37) The Holy Roman Church of the Dark Ages [the Old Church, since she was the first and greatest apostasy after Christ] created methods and even machines for public torture and execution; their asserted "Christian works" sometimes taking days for their poor victim to die. (Heb 11:36-38) We thank God the Dark Ages Church has been stripped of much of her power by the nations she once