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       ( ➠ Videos ➠ Eat from the Tree of Life)

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            ( ➠ Videos ➠ Read the video script for "Eat...)

✪ ➠ (2 Chron 16:9a And Eze 9:4) Are you fatigued by the harm being done in this world? Do you grow weary there is just so much selfishness displayed by the majority of mankind? Are you broken at heart because most people never speak unless it is to manipulate you, get something from you, or to glorify (elevate) themselves? In the midst of it all, are you sick of hearing from soothsayer politicians and religious leaders who say "it's all good" and "you shouldn't worry." Each of them has a plan! If you will just join and follow them, they promise the fix to all your problems. If you are among those being distressed, take heart, your concern surely means you are in line for a blessing! If you are worried by terrible world conditions, it means, as God said in [2 Chron 16:9a], He is looking for you! Not only is He looking, if you are willing to listen, He says in [Eze 9:4] He is marking you for deliverance. I'm Murray Cummings and I ➘ introduce as a tool ➙ I'll use to display scriptures helping everyone understand from the Bible, the real and wonderful solution to all our problems. Not off in some distant future, mind you, but happening now!

Just a note on my using the backdrop to display supporting scriptures. Some people have noted they can't read those scriptures on their cell phone. Sadly, it is not practical to produce this video to display all the material presented on a small screen device. A computer, or at least a tablet, is better. A high resolution TV that can browse the internet is best. You can purchase one of those little boxes like Roku that will put your TV on the internet. Most public libraries in the US provide access to computers suitable for displaying and reading the scriptures.

✪ As we begin, then, let me beg you temporarily set aside your concerns that what I am saying is just more of the same Babel you have heard all your life from political and religious leaders. All I ask is a few minutes of your time to read some scriptures together. Just please consider: If I am correct, and God's solution is being revealed in our day in time, don't you want to know. Please join me to evaluate what the Bible says about the end of the first and only sad chapter in a story with an ending more wonderful than any human could conceive. Then, see how the Bible teaches you can prove what I say is true, or not!

My desire is to gift you something on this day: Knowledge from our Creator! Jesus Christ said at ➠ (John 17:3) such knowledge means our very life. ✪ And yes, I do understand my words sound, up to this point, just like any other religious preacher you might have heard. Listen on, please, to see how what I tell is very different. The full detail of my story, which is the now ending first chapter in the story of mankind, is six thousand years long. It is comprised of many smaller dramas. Those smaller stories reflect the lives of the men and women who lived along the river of its timeline. Many people have detail knowledge of some of those smaller stories, but such knowledge has limited value if they are not able to link those small dramas together to form a theme for the Bible.

Understanding the Bible to build faith in Christ is God's work for our day in time, and that's where we all need help! ➠ (John 6:28-29) The Bible saga is so large, the only place it can be envisioned is inside your own mind. ✪ No matter how hard we might try to share our vision of the Bible, we can only talk among ourselves about bits and pieces of it. Only hearing the words of Christ can help us arrange the Bible in mind so as to grasp an overview. The theme of the Bible, then, is the vision painted within us by the entire Bible. And that, my friend, is the value you should see in God's word. Understanding the whole of the Bible is a lifelong project. Understanding it's theme, however, is an easy thing. If you devote time and effort to learn what the Bible teaches, it imprints the life and teachings of our Creator's son in your mind and heart. [Hebrews 4:12] As Paul told us in ➠ (Gal 3:26-27), the Bible grants you the mind of Christ. [1 Cor 2:16] Jesus's teachings form a conscience that helps you change what you are. [Gal 4:19] You will still be you, of course, only better. ✪ And, you will gain eternal life as a result of your faith! [John 5:24] Not life in some future dream state, mind you, but starting right now and right here. ➠ Job promised in chapter 33 verses 24 and 25, there would come a time when our youth would be restored. [Job 33:16-30] To receive God's promises, however, you must first have faith. Having faith in them requires you know what God's promises are. There is one simple trick to understand what God has promised and to gain life: You need to actually listen to Christ. My effort here is to help you understand how we can do that. [John 5:39-40]

Please hear and understand: If you want to know the God or our creation, you can't reach your goal through church membership or approval. ✪ As God himself told us in ➠ Mat 17:5, you can only come to know our Creator by learning what he taught by listening to his son. I do not for one second imagine I can give you what only Christ's words can; but, I can help you to realize no one else can do that either. Just please recognize your need to take in the words of Jesus. Not through my words, but by the scriptures I present. Value coming from hearing Christ must include getting the sense of his teachings. [John 8:43; John 12:39-40; Matthew 7:22-23] Let me emphasize again to make it very clear: ✪ The only thing I have to offer is help realizing your need to listen to and learn from Jesus Christ. You must know him as the only messenger sent you by God. If you already have that understanding, and an unwavering faith that what Christ taught means life for you, and you have no doubts, I have nothing for you. In that case, your time is better spend reading the Gospels recorded under inspiration by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Read the Gospels, and in doing so, join those seated at the feet of Jesus Christ himself. ➠ (Matthew 12:46-50)

If you would like to build more faith in Christ, however, this material can help! It was produced to clarify and expand on a previous video. That one highlights the benefit of seeing the Bible as three parts, and, recognizing the purpose and value of each of those parts. ✪ ➠ (That video can be found at That earlier video afforded familiarity with scriptures that will help in understanding the scriptures herein presented. ✪ If you have not watched it, you might want to do so. If not, may you still enjoy this information and find it beneficial. Since we will be building on that video, I will touch only briefly on previously considered scriptures. We will, however, try to display most supporting scriptures. As there are quite a few, time limits might require you pause the video to read and examine what the scriptures mean. While there is considerable material being presented, as we learn from ➠ Acts 17:11, it will be of little value if you don't know for yourself it actually is what the Bible teaches. If you pause the video several times to meditate on presented scriptures, simple watch the material again after having familiarity with those Bible verses. ✪ The point is to follow the theme all the way through, all the while being certain it is supported by the Bible, or, that it is the Bible's theme. Otherwise, how could you have faith? Why would you even want to? Our intent, remember, should be to pattern our mind after our Creator's word. ✪ Jesus Christ is the personification of God's Word. You need to comprehend from the Bible, and truly believe: God's Word is food granting the power of eternal life! ➠  (John 6:53 & 63...Composite - Consuming Christ brings life.) [John 6:53; John 6:57 John 6:63; Mat 4:4; Revelation 19:13; John 4:34]

Let me now direct you to a page on displaying a graph of Bible history over time. This scroll of time represents the history of mankind as recorded in the Bible and supported by secular historical accounts. ✪ We view the scroll by ➠ opening the website and clicking on the orange highlighted "Scroll of Time" tag. The graphic is being referred to as a scroll because when I created it as part of my own Bible study, I printed its six foot length and rolled it up on wooden dowels at each end, similar to how ancient scrolls were made. For many years it has served as a tool I often review when reading from the Bible. It helps me visualize when what I am reading actually happened; and, to see how it fits in the overview of what God is doing to help us. Viewing this actual calendar timeline, starting with the creation of Adam and running to our day in time, and then considering the Bible along side as three parts, can help us get a better OVERVIEW of what God's word teaches. [✪ ✪ Explain how an overview helps - avoid tunnel vision - bigger picture than 100 years. ✪ ✪]

✪ Zoom out to a one screen view and compare the three sections of the timeline with the three sections of the Bible. ➠ ➠ Explain relationship between Bible and timeline (one big picture). Our goal should be to have a similar mental overview of the Bible as we get of this timeline when we zoom out to see it as a whole. If we have the theme of God's word fixed in mind, we can then pick up a Bible and read to clarify any section of that mental picture, as if we were zooming in on some part of it. The story of Noah, for example, doesn't mean as much if you don't understand how Noah fits into the overall picture being painted by the Bible. ✪ Noah was born a little over a thousand years after the creation of Adam and Eve. During that thousand years following mankind's creation, as God was moving forward with his purpose to provide for our salvation through the promised Messiah, ➠ (Gen 3:15) mankind's chosen course following Satan had made them wicked and vile. It was so bad God needed to exterminate most of them so the righteous could even live. God then selected Noah and his family to protect and carry forward his work of producing the promised Christ, and to preserve his creation through the destruction of that ancient wicked world. ➠ (Gen 6:9-14) [2 Pet 3:6] The violent world of their day was probably similar to how it is today, as we see wicked people killing or harming others, including women and children, for what they deem some justifiable cause. It sometimes appears the wicked attack and harm others just because they enjoy it. ✪ Knowing about Noah and his circumstances is made important because Jesus used our knowledge of Noah, and how he was protected by God, as a teaching example when he said at ➠ Mat 24:37-39 his return would be similar to the days of Noah. Instead of building an Ark for salvation today, we simply need to build faith in what Christ Jesus was sent to teach. [John 17:3]

✪ ➠ [Zoom in on the beginning of the scroll.] Please understand the Bible to be the only tool that can help us magnify or clarify different parts of the image the scriptures have created in our mind.
[✪ ✪ Explain detail view of just the timeline. ✪ ✪]
Again: Consider the Bible viewed in three sections alongside mankind's historical timeline in three sections. Quickly review the purpose of each Bible section:
✪ The first and largest section of the Bible is the Old Testament. Those Hebrew Scriptures serve as our tutor leading to Christ. As we learn from ➠ Gal 3:24, the Old Testament helped to keep mankind in expectation of Messiah's arrival and to have faith when he appeared. The four short Gospel Books near the Bible's center, recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, contain parallel accounts of the teachings by the Messiah mankind had been awaiting during the 4000 years recorded by the Old Testament. The Bible Books that follow the Gospels were written by Jesus's early followers. ✪ Their intent was to encourage those who lived after to put faith in Christ as the son of God. [Luke 1:1-4] ➠  (John 20:30-31) ✪ God himself warned of your need to read those Gospels. That command by God should help you recognize: Reading the words of Christ is your only safe way of learning what God wants you to know! ➠ (Mat 17:5) [Mat 7:15]

Having that understanding from scriptures presented [John 6:52-58] that ✪ Jesus taught we must consume his existence by eating his flesh and drinking his blood, and by accepting life giving water from him, ➠ (John 4:10-11 and 14-15 and 25-26) let me introduce what might be for some a new thought: I believe God's teaching that learning from Christ can be thought of as eating his body, ✪ and that doing so amounts to gaining life in ourselves; ➠ (John 6:53) amounts to the return of the tree of life to humankind. Simply stated: Eating the body of Christ is similar to eating from the tree of life. There is an important prerequisite to eating the body of Christ, though. It is made important because the Bible says failing to heed this warning can cost you your life: ✪ The Bible tells us, before we eat the body of Christ, we must begin by discerning what the body of Christ is. ➠ (1 Cor 11:27-29) That might sound complicated the first time you hear the words but it really is not. According to those Bible verses, it is important to understand not only what the body of Christ is, but also what it means to eat it; or perhaps more accurately, to realize we must live on Christ's body by gaining the power of life from it. [John 6:53; John 6:57] The Bible is simply teaching we must know our life comes from, and is dependant on, the words of Christ. We will consider additional scriptures I believe support the conclusion that Jesus is the tree of life. Please consider if this might be the most important thing you have ever heard! Let me say again for emphasis: I believe God's providing mankind with the teachings of Jesus amount to the return of the tree of life.

✪ Before we consider scriptures supporting that idea, however, let be certain we are all talking about the same God. Since the Bible says there are many Gods, I want us to be certain we are all talking about the God who made the promises being read. ➠ (1 Cor 8:5-6a) Actually, to aid in being able to speak among ourselves about him, God himself gave a name to know and call him by. ✪ It would seem inappropriate to discuss intimate details of our Heavenly Father without first having a name to use in discussing him! Please be warned, even if you have been told you do know God's name, you still might not. What ever language you speak, you should recognize our Creator's Name as He originally gave it to humankind. There is a webpage dedicated to helping people know God's personal name, and to thus be able to call on him using his personal name. ➠ (Joel 2:31-32) ✪ Since the Bible He inspired says there are many God's, and then uses "The Name" He gave for himself over 6000 times, does it seem appropriate to just call him by "God" or "LORD", or some attempted English translation, and hope He knows you mean him. ➠ [The page can be viewed at:] We can view the page by opening and clicking on the "Share God's name!" link highlighted in orange. ***** Show page and explain importance!

This next section references a lot of scriptures. I first tried omitting some of them but that didn't convey what I believe are Jesus's teachings on the matter. I next thought of pausing to allow viewers time to consider each supporting scripture. To get the gist of what they all mean when taken together, however, we need to follow the logic through. My pausing over and over would break that up. I therefore suggest you pause to meditate on each presented scripture, along with the idea it conveys. After you are familiar with them all, rewind this section of the video and follow the logic through. That's the only way you can really learn what Christ taught.

✪ Gaining a measure of unity (1 Cor 1:10) for our Bible consideration, then, through a shared knowledge and understanding that   יהוה   is the Father Jesus himself prayed to, ➠ (John 11:41 & 17:1 & Luke 22:41-43) let us return to the focus of our study: How does God's having sent Christ to teach us equate with making the tree of life available once again? ✪ If you did watch the previous video about considering the Bible as three parts, you should be familiar with Jesus having said we need to consume his existence by eating his flesh, by drinking his blood, ➠ (John 6:52-54a) ✪ and by taking in waters of life from him. ➠ (John 4:10-11 & 14-15 & 25-26) ✪ Jesus told us he is the true bread from heaven, ➠ (John 6:55-58) ✪ and that we need to be feeding on his remains (or on his body - ➠ Luke 17:20 & 23-24 & 37) in these last days. You should also understand what Jesus meant by all those illustrations: That we should be taking his words to heart and living on them (choosing to be guided by them). ✪ Jesus is referred to as the word of God, ➠ (Rev 19:13) so ✪ eating his flesh and drinking his blood can be thought of as eating the word of God. ➠ (Rev 10:9a & Eze 2:8-9) [Rev 10:9a; Eze 2:8] ✪ Even Jesus himself ate God's Words. ➠ (John 4:34 & Mat 4:4 & John 5:30) [John 4:34; Mat 4:4; John 5:30] ✪ Jesus also promised the words he spoke are spirit and are life. ➠ (John 6:63) ✪ Then, building on that, Jesus said everlasting life would result from putting faith in what he taught. ➠ (John 3:16) He told us if we have true faith he is the son of God, and consume him as the word of God, our life will unfold for us just as we believe (have faith) it will. [Mat 17:19-20] ➠ (Mat 8:13)

✪ How, though, did we get to this point and why is all this necessary? It is because important spiritual issues are being settled once and for all eternity. Our first parents rejected the tree of life in favor of the tree of knowledge of good and bad. What that simply means is they turned their back on   יהוה  's  directions and imagined they could choose for themselves what is right and wrong. Most of the six thousand years of our existence, as recounted by the Bible, amounts to the time God has tolerated the existence of the Devil and those who choose to follow him. In that way, God has given creation time to see Satan prove his claim that the woman would be better off if she ate the fruit God denied her. By her choice, Eve refused   יהוה  's  counsel and went her own way. Her husband followed her. ➠ (Genesis 2:7-9  16-17 & 3:1-6) They didn't really go their own way, of course, they were just following Satan. ✪ Our terrible world conditions are the direct result of the experiment they forced on mankind, one which God has patiently tolerated. It is not God's fault. When a child dies, for example, don't let religious people blame  יהוה  by telling you God took the child. Satan, by misleading Adam and Eve, killed every person who has ever died. ➠ (Rom 5:12) God doesn't kill righteous children to make angels. ✪ What God has done is provide those who are killed by Satan with the hope of a resurrection through faith in Jesus Christ. ➠ (John 6:40) ✪ Jesus is undoing all Satan has done. ➠ (1 John 3:8b) ✪ Soon, to all who are made righteous in Christ, it will be as if Satan never even existed. ➠ (Psa 37:10a & Rev 20:10a + Wicked destroyed.) [Psa 37:10; Rev 20:10 & 13-14 & 21:8 & 2:11] Even though God chose to tolerate Satan for a period of time, He has provided some measure of protection throughout our history. Otherwise, it would be far worse: We would all most surely be dead. So... Mankind, under the influence of Satan, has by now tried every conceivable form of government in an effort to direct themselves. God has tolerated our foolishness ✪ temporarily ➠ (Acts 17:30) because all his created universe was watching and heard Satan's terrible lies. In his great love for what is good and true and right,   יהוה   decided his creation needed to know forever and always if what Satan said was true. Today's terrible world conditions provide the eternal answer as to whether Satan was telling the truth when he said humans were better off following  his directions  his lies. As an added benefit of God's patience, the unborn children of Adam and Eve got the chance to be born. We should each one be very thankful for God's patience toward Adam and Eve, as we are their children. We only exist because God allowed our first parents to live for a period of time after their sin. ✪ By using his Christ (Anointed One) יהוה  is repairing all the damage done by Satan. ➠ (1 John 3:8b) By now, six thousand years into mankind's sad course against the will of God, all sane persons should realize and understand why they, and everyone, must follow God. ✪ They must also come to understand the singular way we can do that is by listening to the words God sent Jesus to bring. ➠ (Composite: Listen to and obey Christ.) [Mat 17:5; John 1:12; John 8:26; John 15:15] Following God's command to turn to Christ, then, is the equivalent of rejecting the tree of knowledge of good and bad, in favor of eating from the tree of life. We consume Christ by listening to and following him, thus demonstrating we submit wholly and without reservation to the guidance of our Grand Creator. It is the opposite, or it is the reversal, of the decision made by Adam and Eve when they joined Satan to reject   יהוה  's  direction over their lives. ✪ So, you see, Jesus Christ is the return to mankind of the tree of life! It was the tree of knowledge of good and bad that separated us from God and eternal life in the past. You partake of the tree of life by consuming Christ Jesus, thus obeying his Father's command to listen to his son. [Mat 17:5] ➠ (1 Cor 15:20-28) ✪ Christ's teachings grant us life within ourselves. ➠ (John 6:53)

If you have paused to carefully read all the scriptures in this last section, it might be good to rewind and watch it again. The point is to follow the logic of Jesus's teachings. [Rev 19:13] Understanding Jesus's teachings are the source of our life is very important!

✪ These teachings by Jesus are not just words you need to hear and to know Christ's name and that he exists. ➠ (Mat 7:21-23) The words of Christ need to become your true faith, just the same as you have faith in gravity. Rejecting the Christ, which means rejecting the word of God, [Rev 19:13b] should be just as foreign to you as walking off the edge of a tall building. To afford you salvation, your faith in Christ and his promises must become who you are and govern your life. [1 Cor 6:11] The one and only way that can happen for you is if you to spend time, lots of time, sitting at Jesus's feet so you can listen to what he taught. If you imagine you can learn what he came to teach from one reading of Christ's words, or even a few, you are being silly (ignorant) or even stupid. If you make the effort to examine the Bible, you will be at one and the same time amazed at its beautiful simplicity, and, at a complexity that is nearly beyond human comprehension. ✪ It is far above the ability of men to create or even imagine. It is not contradictory to say the Bible is both simple and complex. It is simple because the concise word pictures it paints for us are clear and easily understood. As an example: Jesus helped us understand neighborly love using an illustration of a man who was robbed and beaten. Three men passed by the injured man. Two of them were very religious while the third was humble and contrite, considering himself a sinner. The first two ignored him but the sincere man bandaged the wounded one and paid for someone to care for him until he was healed. Jesus then asked his listeners which of the three proved himself neighbor to the man in need. ➠ (Luke 10:25-37) After hearing that simple illustration, we have a word picture that forever helps us remember and understand the principle of neighborly love. Throughout the Bible, God teaches us using such principles. So… The Bible is simple and clear in using easily understood principles to teach. The Bible is also complex, however, because all those principles are just brush strokes on the paint by numbers canvas of our mind, spanning the 6000 years since the creation of Adam. The mental picture created by all those Bible principles, revealed throughout mankind's history, imprints on our mind and heart an illustration of all God has done to help mankind and helps us appreciate his great love for us. ✪ While comprised of those simple to understand word pictures, the overview of what is contained in the Bible is the complex solution of all our problems. Understanding the individual principles will not benefit you as much if you don't put forth effort to gain an overview of their intertwined meaning. God sent Jesus to help us understand the whole of the Bible, including Jesus's own teachings. ➠ (John 18:37b) ✪ It is only those teachings brought by Christ that can provide you the required overview and understanding of the Bible. We can become sons and daughters of God, ➠ (John 1:12) and members of the family of Christ, only by sitting at Jesus's feet and listening to him. [Mark 3:31-35] We can know we are safely hearing what is truth only by reading the Gospels penned by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. ✪ (Never forget God's warning about the danger of listening to anyone beyond Christ. - ➠ Mat 7:15 [Acts 20:29-30; Mat 17:5] Like the woman plagued with the flow of blood (and all the other people Jesus helped), your own faith must drive you to action. ✪ That grievously ill woman had faith in Christ as the son of God, and her faith defined a course of action for her. ➠ (Mat 9:19-22) If she could just touch the hem of the outer garment Jesus was wearing, her faith told her, she would be healed. She disregarded religious law on quarantine, in peril of life for doing so, and made her way out in public to touch Jesus's clothing. She was healed when she did so, and Jesus both commended her and specifically told her it was her own faith that made her well. [Mat 9:19-22] ✪ Your own personal faith, [] then, built on your knowledge of what Jesus taught, can do the same for you! ➠ (John 1:12) [Mat 24:37-39; Mat 17:20]

Let me start winding down by thanking those individuals who have offered Constructive Criticism: We appreciate the feedback and are working to improve quality going forward. We likely will not redo existing videos. It is an easy thing to spend more time and effort in the production of a video than on its content. As we are trying to convey what Christ Jesus taught, please keep in mind it is content that is important. ✪ Not all criticism, however, is constructive. Some religious individuals are trying to keep others from listening to our message by attempting to undermine the value of what is presented: Some assert our teachings are just the re-branded or rehashed teachings of some religious cult. That is an absolute lie and you can know by simply reading the Gospels! Most all religious groups, especially those who lay claim to being Christian, base their teachings on some subset of the Bible. That's the method they use to trick people into following them. As we learn at ➠ Mat 4:6, even Satan quoted scripture. These Bible teachings will thus have some similarities to all Christendom religious sects because the Bible itself has some similarities with all of them. There is one thing all religion shares in common, they don't want you to hear our message. Jesus's words take away their own glory and power over you. [John 11:45-48; Mat 23:1-12] ✪ The glaring and simple difference between us who bring the words of Christ, and all religious sects, is this: We teach you not to depend on us, but to depend on reading the teachings of Jesus Christ for yourself. All religious sects are very different from that: They actually define themselves as religious sects by that difference, by their teaching you must depend on being a member of their group to please God. They are trying to replace Christ. ➠ (Mat 24:23-25) ✪ You must avoid even sincere Religionists at all cost! Read the Gospels and join the group Jesus started gathering almost 2000 years ago. ➠ (Mat 12:46-50) Become a Christian. That's what we are trying to do; and, that is what we encourage you to do! Our encouragement for you to follow Christ for yourself is what defines us as Christian! As I said, I do appreciate sincere constructive criticism. I also feel the need to caution everyone to avoid missing the value of our message in favor of finding what is wrong with its delivery or production. ✪ Remember: That is what some people did with even Christ Jesus himself. Rather than take to heart what Jesus said, many very religious people found fault with his delivery and with the fact he didn't follow the customs of their forefathers. [John 7:19b-24; John 8:48] The ancient religious leaders wanted to misdirect people ➠ (John 7:45-49) away from Christ as they tried to excuse their own badness, by calling attention to things they saw as wrong: Such as when Jesus's disciples didn't wash their hands according to "their religious standards" before eating a meal. [Mat 15:1-11] Please follow this wise scriptural advice: ✪ Consider the scriptures we present and take those inspired Bible teachings to heart. ➠ (Acts 17:11) Then, and this is the only thing that can define you as Christian, read the words of Christ to verify what we say. Don't become distracted by religious bickering because this material is being delivered by ordinary people. [Acts 4:13] If you would like to submit truly constructive criticism, send us a Bible study video for consideration to display on the website. Or, feel free to redo one we have produced. We will be pleased to consider it in the light of Christ's words. We will also consider new webpages for the site when presented with scriptural references. If you don't know how to code html webpages, just write a letter, including your referenced scriptures, and we will translate for the website if we use your material. Personal credit for your material is not possible on, but both you and our Creator will know what good works you do. We give credit for our website to our Creator   יהוה   and to his son Christ Jesus.

✪ Let's review these things Jesus told us: He said he was the bread of life, and that we should eat his flesh and drink his blood. He told us we should accept life giving waters from him and that his followers would be feeding on his remains at his return. With all those illustrations, Jesus was simply telling us to reach out our hand and eat from the tree of life, and so forever reject deciding for ourselves what is right and wrong. We choose that course because, like Christ Jesus, we have faith everything God does is perfect and good. ➠ (John 6:57) [Deu 32:3-5] It would be stupid to think we could improve anything by going against God's will and direction. We take from the tree of life as we display obedience to   יהוה  . We can only do that by following the teachings of his son.

✪ So… Accept God's gift of the tree of life. Consume Christ Jesus and live forever. ➠ (John 6:52-54a) [John 6:31-35; John 4:10-11 & 14-15 & 25-26; John 6:55-58; Luke 17:20 & 23-24 & 37] Express absolute faith in God's son and in his teachings so as to make yourselves sons and daughters of God. [John 1:12] You can't have faith in Christ, however, if you don't first know him; intimately. Read and reread your gospels! May you have peace and life through your faith in the son of   יהוה .

✪ As to eating the body and drinking the blood of Christ, ➠ Luke 22, verses 13-20 is a passage that has caused much debate among the religious community. Most all sectarian groups who say they are Christian have some celebration or ceremony they believe is based in those verses. They gather on some regular basis trying to eat Christ's body and drink blood. In light of all the scriptures we have considered, ✪ I propose a different understanding. When Jesus met with his followers and taught them, whether they ate a physical meal or not, they were always sharing a spiritual meal. They were feeding on him while he was feeding on and sharing with them the words of his Father. ➠ (John 4:31-34) [Mat 4:4; John 12:48-50] ✪ In Luke 22, then, when telling his followers to continue eating his flesh and drinking his blood, Jesus was telling his followers he would not partake of that fellowship with them again in person until he had brought all the earth into subjection to the Kingdom of his Father. ➠ (1 Cor 15:20-28) When any of us gather to feed on Christ during his absence, we must be very careful we actually are feeding on Christ. ✪ That requires we must first have discerned what the body of Christ is. ➠ (1 Cor 11:29) When we come together in Christ, it should be primarily to read the Gospel accounts of Jesus's teachings, not to listen to some man or woman expound their own understanding and teachings. [Mat 7:15; Acts 20:30; Mat 15:9] Rather, let us discern what the body of Christ is by always being very careful to eat only his body and to drink only his blood; and thus live forever. [John 6:52-59 & 66-68] Very simply summarized then: Those who gather to share a spiritual meal in Christ should share in reading the Gospels.

✪ I suspect most people are by now asking what even I must confess is a sensible question: How could I possibly know, beyond question, all the things I have herein said are true? [Acts 17:11] The honest truth is, I don't know they are all true... I have faith they are true, or, I am trying to have faith they are true, or, I want to have faith they are true. I'm honestly not sure how much of the one and how much of the other. God knows! ➠ (2 Cor 12:3) He knows I want to believe this is true and that I am trying to do so! While confessing what I have is faith, [Heb 10:38] however, I can't see any way all the scriptures we have considered, and all the scriptures I have read during all my life, could fit together to paint any other picture of what is true. So, then, this must me the truth! Still, though, I again confess, I don't "know." What I mean by that is God has not whispered in my ear! He speaks to me, and to all who will listen, by Christ through the Bible.

What I can say I absolutely do "know," probably amounts to just three things:
  1. I know I woke up! I awoke 73 years ago to an existence I still don't fully comprehend. During those years, no one (outside the Bible) has been able to explain or really help me understand the meaning of life.
    1. Many or even most people want and try to help, and some are sincerely convinced they have done their best to do so.
    2. I find the "help" those people offer ranges widely: There are those who tell me they are servants of the true God and if I want to please God, I must blow myself up in the midst of women and children they have determined to be God's enemies. Then, there are those members of the little country church who proclaim their Christianity and tell me an approved membership in their sect is required to avoid being lost to the fires of hell. There are other religious teachings too numerous to mention.
    3. What I have found about all those people offering to "help me" is that none of them really "know" for certain, any more than I do. Some of them certainly claim they do, of course. When they defend their faith, however, I find they have simply placed faith in some set of beliefs they have selected, just like me. I have chosen to put faith in the Bible, focusing on the words of Christ!
  2. ✪ The second thing I believe I can say I "know" is this: The magnificence of the bodies we humans woke up in, and the wonder of the creation surrounding us, demands intelligent design. It didn't "just happen" as a result of blind chance. ➠ (Psa 14:1) [Heb 3:4; Rom 1:20]
  3. ✪ So, I believe I can interpret a third fact from the two things I do know. All I have come to know about myself and my existence defines the presence of not only a Creator, but of one who is good. ➠ (Heb 11:6) It just defies logic to believe God doesn't exist. [Psa 14:1; Heb 3:4]
    1. Moving on from those three things I do know, I gravitate into what even I must confess are my personal beliefs. So... I understand that what follows is my faith, rather than being things I know.
    2. ✪ I am convinced any Creator who went to such a grand effort to construct us and our earthly home must also care about us. ➠ (Heb 11:6)
    3. If God cares about us, it follows He must have told us about himself and how to please him.
    4. In spending all my life looking for any sign of communication from our Creator, I find the Bible to be the only sensible option.
    5. ✪ So then, it is the Bible I herein encourage you to examine. If you consider the Bible, you quickly find it points to Christ as the instructor God sent to teach us about himself. ➠ (Mat 17:5) [Gal 3:24]
    6. Then, if you find you do have faith in the Bible as the Word of God, and in Christ Jesus as God's son, I believe it is also reasonable to have faith in the scriptures I have presented...

Trying to seek out and put faith in what is truth, then, is what I find left to me as my lot in life... ✪ Whether you choose to acknowledge it, or to refuse, that is your lot as well. In some sense, I wish I could promise you God had whispered in my ear, so you could absolutely depend on everything I say. But then I realize, that wouldn't really help you for two reasons. It wouldn't help because that is what most of the differing sects of the earth wide Religious Babylon are already promising you: Each religious group presents you with some person or internal sub-sect they are sure is being whispered to by God, as it were. Each group has someone they believe is in a special relationship with God and that your life depends on your joining them in listening to and  following  worshiping their "special" people. ➠ (Mat 24:23-25) [Mark 13:21-23] You surely know they can't all be right? If God actually had whispered in my ear, that would make me a "very special person." ✪ Actually, though, it probably wouldn't help me either. I can believe it wouldn't help because if it would, God would likely be doing it that way! It is necessary for me to build faith just as it is for you, and for everyone. ➠ (Rom 8:24-25) As I think about it, I realize the second reason you don't need me to tell you God whispered the truth in my ear is because, in the midst of the Babylon made up of all this world's religions, [Rev 18:2 & 4] there is one who perfectly stood up as a beacon of light for truth and right. [Isa 11:1-12] ✪ And most importantly, God actually did whisper in his ear. ➠ (John 8:38-40) That one gave his very life to teach you precisely what God wants you to know. [John 18:37b] God sent Jesus specifically for that job. [Mat 17:5] ✪ You don't need anyone besides Jesus claiming they are special. [Acts 4:12] You should actually fear everyone who believes they are! ➠ (Mat 24:21-28) You must work to avoid becoming a follower of any sect or person. [Acts 20:29-30] It is just this simple for you: Read the Gospels by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in order to listen to the son of God, and so be certain you are putting faith in his teachings. ✪ In doing so, you will gain everlasting life. ➠ (John 17:3) While I do hope every single person is hearing what I say, I fear this message is not for the majority (mobs) of humanity. ✪ Most people seem to have abandoned being Bible students who are searching for truth, and become satisfied with what ever religion (faith) they have found, constructed, or been born into. ➠ (2 Tim 4:3-4) They are left with trying to defend their faith in their chosen sect. They must support, or at least justify or explain away, what ever bad their group does. We know what those men in our group did is bad, but our sect is for the greater good, they usually say. ✪ What Bible truth offers, however, for each and every contrite and sincere person who is searching for the true God, is a new birth by the spirit. [2 Chron 16:9a; John 6:44a; Mat 17:5; John 3:16-21] ➠ (John 1:12-13) The value of your very existence boils down to this: To continue alive, you must choose to be among the group following Christ. [Deu 30:15-16] ✪ Read the scriptures and let them strum the strings of your heart ➠ (Hosea 11:4) so as to overwhelm your emotions with healing peace. [Luke 10:5-6] ✪ Let the words of Christ wake you from the sleep most of this world is drowning in. ➠ (Eph 5:14) [1 Thes 5:4-6] Let the Word of God organize and heal your mind and body. [1 Cor 2:14-16; John 17:3] ✪ Realize what is true and understand (and build faith) the scriptures promising eternal life have new and special meaning for our day in time. ➠ (John 11:25-26) Most of us watch movies about true and abiding love with princes and princesses living happily ever after. We like any movie about good things that provide an escape from life. The truth of the Bible is far superior to any story any human could ever imagine. ✪ There seem to be fewer and fewer people who still believe those who wear white hats and ride white horses are going win. This world is so divided, some people will even want to fight and fuss about our using "white" as an illustration of pure and good; claiming it is racist. Make no mistake: What it is, is scriptural. ➠ (Rev 6:1-2) ✪ You need to utilize the Word of God to lift you above the dark gloom overwhelming this world of confusion. ➠ (Eph 5:14) [Eph 2:4-5] If you have any insight at all, you realize this world is choking to death on its own badness. ✪ The tribulation we are living through will only get worse. ➠ (Mat 24:21-22) Eat from the tree of life and live! ✪ While I hope my words can help direct you to Christ, listening to me is not eating from the tree of life. Sending money to some TV preacher who only wants a bigger airplane, or to some church who abuses children, or to one rendering sectarian judgment against non-members certainly isn't eating from the tree of life. You can eat from the tree of life only by making yourself part of Jesus's family by reading from the recordings of the life and teachings of the son of God ➠ (Mark 3:31-35) in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

✪ I hope you have enjoyed this material, and I pray you have taken it to heart. If you have, I would love to hear about it through an email to support at Zeal, however, gives rise to a warning: There is danger because everyone who has faith feels a need to share their faith. If they know much about the Bible, they know it is certainly scriptural to tell other people what they have learned. ➠ (1 Pet 3:15) What that also means, however, is this: What we tell others is just, and can only ever be, our own personal faith. That's all we ever have to give. We have each one organized scriptures in our mind to support what we have determined to be the truth. It can't really be any other way. ✪ Do you see, though, what a great danger that poses? While recognizing there are some who are not sincere, ➠ (Mat 7:15) we must also know even those Christians who are sincere are each and every one just a work in progress. The most any of us can be doing is our best to learn what Jesus taught. That, by definition, is the same as saying there might be a great deal we don't yet know. What ever we are lacking in our understanding can't help but be reflected in what we preach. ✪ Your wonderful and simple protection, and your only protection, exists in the words of Jesus Christ. He is the one sent by God to teach you what you need to learn, ➠ (John 5:24) and ✪ he is the only one God specifically told you to listen to. ➠ (Mat 17:5) What I am about to say represents the only teaching we can always feel completely safe in accepting or in sharing with others: After listening to what I have said, immediately read one of the short fifty some page Gospels beginning to end. ✪ If you are sincere of heart, you will recognize Christ's voice speaking to you from the Bible! ➠ (John 10:27-28) [John 10:1-5] When you finish that Gospel, read another. Only by listening to Christ can you know whether the things I have told you come from him, or is just my own teaching. It really is just that simple. ✪ May you have peace (Luke 10:5-6) from our God and Father  יהוה  through your faith in his son Christ Jesus. May that faith grant you life eternal - beginning now! ➠ (John 6:51)

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