--- Do you live where I live? ---
(Written: June 2023)

This is a clip or excerpt from a larger webpage. That page is larger because it reflects or reveals a summation of my lifetime of Bible study... That larger page is titled:
It can be found by going to JustBibleTruth.com; Then select ♦♦R U Compliant?♦♦. My suggestion is to go now and read that larger original page. Because it does summarize the current state of my lifetime of Bible study, and therefore my faith, however, it is longer, probably a couple of hours to read; some more if you consider all the linked scriptures. (It is likely useless without proving to yourself it comes from the Bible!) While reading it does require a bit of effort, it is a beacon of brilliant light in the midst of this dark world. The hope the Bible reveals is your source of life. (Deu 30:15-20) That webpage, "R U Compliant?," contains survival instructions for the tribulation mankind is now enduring! Be warned, world conditions are only going to get worse until Armageddon makes it better! (This clip is here published separately because it contains some things I felt the need to say to the people who were close to me in youth. Feeling my whole life has been a path that led me here, and that these scriptures are important to awaken this world to this truth, to Christ's truth, it has suddenly left me wondering if the people I was drawn to and close with in youth, were headed to this same spot.) Here, then, is the clip taken from that larger ♦♦R U Compliant?♦♦ webpage. (What is below can be found by reading between the two red ruler lines in that original document.)

If you hadn't realized, I'm working to convince you I am special. But, while I do believe I am special, I need to be clear I'm not saying I'm special because "I" am special. You do see the difference? Just realize you are (or can be) special in the exact same way. In fact, and part of the reason for this writing is to those I was close with in youth. What I have learned from the Bible now leaves me wondering if the reason I liked you in our youth is because you are now gathered with me here in Rahab's home: If I liked you because we were both headed here... [Please read on to consider what that even means! (Joshua 2:1-6:25)] Being favored to be alive now, during the time of Christ's Revelation (or his second coming or presence), makes us all special. We are much more special, of course, if we are listening to Christ's words! We are specially favored with the opportunity to be among those living forever without having to die. (John 11:26 of 25-26; Job 33:13-30; John 14:12) "Realizing" that truth seems a prerequisite of our "being special" and able to take advantage of the wondrous gift we are exposed to. The people in Noah's and Lot's families were special. The people resurrected by Jesus were special. Rahab and all her fathers household were special. They all "believed" they were special "and" they lived at the right time to receive what was special about them. You and I have opportunity for an even greater blessing! (John 14:12) [One conviction I need to make clear in the midst of explaining this Bible hope (my Bible hope), is this: If we are together in paradise, it won't be because you are friends with me; or because we are united as part of some group framed by humans. More likely, it will be because we are not! My point, which is lost to "this world" as a whole, then: We are not made Christian by our being friends, but made friends because of being Christian... It doesn't matter if you have known me for a week or for all my life or at all, if we have been intimate or even if you are my own child... We will be in paradise because we are "not" part of "this world"! (2 Cor 6:14-7:1) We will receive God's blessing of life (Job 33:13-30) because we individually know and have submitted to Jesus, personally. If you share my love for these scriptures and that simple truth, you are my true and eternal friend; I love you and you love me. Remember: It is what we "truly believe" that defines who we are! (Heb 4:13 of 11-13) Our being true friends of Christ requires, of course, that neither of us remain members of any sect or gang that freely judges or even harms nonmembers. Jesus said just "hanging out with" or "being around" even God's own Son "himself," wouldn't help us. (Mat 7:21-23; Luke 13:26-27) We need to "exercise" faith in Jesus. Think about this Bible truth: Faith in Christ can only come from drawing on his Father's spirit. contained in Jesus's words; (John 6:63) And then, by using that Spirit from יהוה to change who we  are  were. (1 Cor 6:9-11) We must be reborn by יהוה's spirit as his friends, even as his sons and daughters. (2 Cor 6:18 of 14-18; James 2:23; John 15:14-15; Ruth)
        This letter is not like my previous preaching work! This is probably my last published Bible study effort. I've done my best to "talk the talk," and now, I want to "walk the walk." My uncle Lowell asked me just how I plan to do that! [A bit skeptically maybe?] Since this is a new ERA in human history, and a first for us all, I don't really know "how." This records my attempt to learn and understand it myself; while I also try to maintain a firm mental grasp* on it, and "then" finally, to answer my uncle's question. (1 Pet 3:15) First and foremost, of course, I plan to continue to sit at the feet of Jesus; (Mark 3:31-35) by reading and rereading the four Gospel accounts of his life and teachings, (Heb 12:1-3) all the way through from beginning to end. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) Jesus warned that's the only way we can be certain we know him. (Mat 7:15-16; Mat 24:23-25; Mat 15:8-9)
*[You should not ever imagine you could get bored with the Bible. While everything (every principle) the Bible teaches is simple and easy to understand, the overview (or picture) produced by all those teachings is complex nearly beyond human comprehension. It is, after all, God's solution to all problems... God's Spirit will help you understand your Bible; if you put forth some effort to actually read it, (John 14:26) and allow it to focus your attention on the words of Jesus. (Gal 3:23-26; Mat 17:5)]
Really, though, hearing God's command to listen to Jesus (Mat 17:5) has been my effort for many years, so, what has changed? Like never before in history, this world is being "completely overrun" by people without integrity. (2 Tim 3:13) The wicked live to steal and abuse or have sex and to fight about everything imaginable; especially about religion. (Psa 12:1-5; Psa 5:5-6) [And, no matter what vile lifestyle the wicked practice, (1 Cor 6:9-11; Rom 1:24-27) they want to find or construct themselves a God that will approve. (2 Tim 4:3-5; Isa 44:14-20) This World's varied church sects, along with the worshipers of unnumbered non-Christian God's, are each one anxious to provide you a form of worship that will please "YOU"; (2 Tim 4:3-4) a worship that is also, of course, useless. (The true God יהוה, however, has provided a form of worship that can protect... 1 Tim 4:1-3; 2 Tim 3:13)]

As for me going forward, I'm just all fought out! I no longer want to dispute with (suffer) fools. (Psa 14:1) So, I now seek the life God prepared for his human children from the Creation of the world and the Garden of Eden. (Mat 25:34) I seek what Eve and Adam had in the Garden before they sinned... There was only happiness in the midst of peace and love with no concern anyone or anything would hurt them. So, this letter explains my attempt to understand "how" I can have and share what they had! In part, that means seeking out other people who are looking for that same gift; the gift in God's promises... (Mat 25:34 of 31-34; Job 33:13-30; Isa 11:1-12; Psa 37:3-11) Seeking to know and please יהוה, while tenaciously avoiding people who do assert faith but then also imagine themselves so grandiose that I "need" to join and be approved by "them" to be blessed by יהוה... It's amazing how few people actually directing others only to Christ there seems to be. Most of us are a bit like bumper posts in a pinball game. Everyone who "bumps" into them gains energy being "fired off" in some direction based on that bumpers faith in what "they" believe can help. I'm just trying to be certain I bump everyone off in the precise direction of Christ's words. And, I'm looking for others who understand and believe that same way. I'm looking for other members of the "Spiritual Israel of God."

At 75 years old, I have been "with" people all my life because they wanted something from me, and/or, because I wanted something from them. We weren't vile people, mind you, just a bit self-centered; and that because we didn't really "know" Christ. Most of us thought we did know Jesus, of course... What most of us actually had was a church membership. The person who was closer to me than anyone alive during several formative years of my youth, recently confided she did some of what she did, things she is now ashamed of, because she wanted to be loved. Amen! That's what most of us were doing. While we thought we knew Jesus, most of us really only knew the sound of his name. (Mat 7:21-23) What my friend from youth said she now realizes she actually did need was to become Jesus true friend, meaning in part, we care more about pleasing him than pleasing "people" we know. (John 15:14-15 of 11-15) Now believing my whole life to have been a path of choices that led me to "right here," and being convinced this website is important to יהוה's "last days awakening" of this world, (Isa 45:22-25) it makes me want to take a fresh look at my associations with the people I was close to in youth. Maybe I was drawn to them, or received a leg up from them, because they were on their way to this same place? The hope I describe does appear not to be for everyone. Some other friends from youth appear stuck emotionally and spiritually at 16. They still seek to appease the people who misled and teased or even abused them when we were kids. They seem especially drawn to people who did seem kind in youth [were popular], but it was only to use or mislead them. (2 Tim 3:13) Point is: Not all elderly people are wise; but, it does seem hard to become wise without the experience gained by some "attentive" years of age; that experience being a basis [the acquired "required" knowledge] for wisdom. We all must grow beyond our youthful ignorance. (Heb 5:13-14; 1 Cor 13:11 of 8-13) What I take from my knowledge gained through years, is the people who are true Christians "know" or "are friends with" other people, because of seeking to help them; not to use them. Intimacy with Christ is the only thing that grants that real love for others. Being friends with Christ would certainly preclude, for example, all these priests and preachers being pedophiles and sexual perverts and greedy persons and... For all my life I've tried to gain a knowledge of truth, and to share it with others to help them. (Mostly just to help myself, at least early on, of course, thinking God would reward me.) Now, I want to "really help myself"; (John 15:11) and then, to share that "real life." (1 Tim 6:17-19; Job 33:13-30) How could we really imagine we could help someone else if we can't first help ourselves. How, though, do I help myself?

True joy from life is what I seek, (John 15:11) and, finding that I increasingly do have it, I now try to share my joy with you! Being 75 years old with the wear and tear of those years: Some pain in a shoulder I had a cancer removed from a few years ago, some heart trouble I hope is not too serious, increasing kidney or bladder problems, gout and arthritis trying to take away my mobility, and all topped off by the plethora of problems faced by all of humanity; all of it often causes me to wake in the wee hours just fretting. (Doesn't everyone...?) When that happens, I get up and review the hope gained from these scriptures, and then, go back to bed to sleep like a baby. Sometimes I feel guilty at the attacks of sheer joy I have from my life, even in the midst of all the suffering around me; that joy because of this scriptural hope our Father has allowed me to know. (John 15:11; John 16:24; John 17:13; Luke 10:20-24) That joy is what I want from life, and, try to share with you! As a movie I saw tried to express it: "Thank you; more please"...

So, then... True Christians [nice and loving people] are the people I want to "know" going forward! Problem is, never having had true friends like that before, I don't know exactly how... [I do know from personal experience, the church members many people "call Christian" and look up to as their leaders are not the people I am looking for. (Mat 23:1-15)] Meditating on [taking to heart] the words of Christ, as I talk about what I am learning while keeping our discussions free from judgment, to focus on Jesus's name and "his" teachings, is my hope of gaining those relationships. [We can never judge the heart (the goodness) of other people, but, Jesus did clearly teach us to judge and expose wicked actions. (1 Cor 6:9-11, Rom 1:24-32) That's how we learn to change; (1 Cor 6:11; Mat 5:17-22) or, are at least warned... (Exe 3:17-21)] If you have invested the time and effort to read to this point, my hope is you are my true friend of eternity. That will require you recognize this effort by me as being very different from "this world's" pattern of trying to draw people to some church or sect, or to follow after "me" (or them). The "world" is deceived to imagine there is a "right" religion and we need to find it. That is, I am convinced, one of Satan's most effective lies! Religions are "all" wrong, because they are all just groups gathered by humans. (Mark 7:6-9) Only Christianity is right, because "all" Christians are "the individuals" who are gathered by Christ! (John 6:44) I pray my writings can help you see your need to read and understand the words of Christ, and to read about our other friends of God who are alive in the Bible's record of history. (Heb 11:32-12:3) It is only "Christ's" words, however, that feed you God's spirit of life. (John 6:63; Heb 4:12-13; Mark 9:7) That is not just a platitude! Your seeing your need to take in God's Spirit alive in the words of Christ means life... My writings encourage  everyone  "you" to have and share a "personal faith" in the words of Jesus, but "shared" with me only in the sense of us both knowing Jesus intimately and individually as "his" friends. (John 15:11-16) Please take to heart as I restate: There is no human approval group for Christians! An intimate knowledge of Christ can only come through reading and rereading "Jesus's" words. (John 18:37; John 12:50; John 17:3) By your segregating [but non-judgmental] choice to refuse to be led along by any of those Religionists anxious to judge each other, those judging all the people who haven't joined their same church or sect to be lost or lesser pople, your avoiding them actually does join you with all the other "individual Christians" united only by our faith in Christ. Do you get that? Have you joined Christ [and me] in understanding that simple truth? (John 18:37; John 6:28-29) Making such true and everlasting friends is what I'm now trying to do for myself; and, to share with you. (Visit: JustBibleTruth.com/IHadADreamShortNewer.pdf) As I look about at all the confusing and judgmental sectarian teachings by the different religious sects, I confess to being a bit mystified and certainly overjoyed that יהוה has allowed me to see the simple truth I herein reveal [using Jesus's words]... In my eyes,  it is like  it is finding the keys of Christ's Kingdom on earth! (Mat 16:19a; Mat 6:9-10; Luke 22:18; Mat 26:29; 2 Pet 1:11 of 5-11; Col 1:13-14 of 9-23) Since I claim nothing special about myself except that I love יהוה and realize I am alive at the time of Christ's revelation, the fact I know this truth should also serve as warning: Since I can see it, could you have any real excuse for not?

This, then, is my best effort to give you a view inside my mind space: To expose the joy of my reality by letting you see where I live. I live "here" in this faith, among God and Christ and the Bible Characters (2 Cor 6:16 of 14-7:1) who have populated the Bible's 6000 year record since Adam... We are all playing our part in this final revelation of God's purpose for the earth; just like our friends of history did. (Heb 12:1-3) Some of my friends thus include Rahab and David and Abraham and Ruth and Esther and Tamar and, I hope, you... These people of the past are all alive here in the secret interior room of my mind [interior room of my faith], (Isa 26:20 of 19-21) and much more importantly, they are alive in יהוה's mind. (Luke 20:38 of 34-38) When first I meet Rahab in the flesh [after her resurrection], I will already know her because God's Word has shown me what she loves and hates; who she is. All of us today, who are gathered and reborn only into [or by] our personal faith in the words of Jesus Christ, (John 6:63; John 3:1-8) will now simply watch the destruction of all those choosing to remain joined to some religious group or other divisive sect of "this world"... (Mal 3:16-4:3; 2 Chron 20:17; John 17:3; Titus 1:1-4) So, if we were intimate or close friends in youth, this hope in Christ puts us past any harm we did each other, or any need to ask "what if" we had done things a little differently. We are now at the same point we would have been, what ever non-spiritual choices or actions we might have taken: We have accepted Christ and are joined awaiting a deliverance similar to Rahab's. Being alive at the time to have opportunity to live forever without ever having to die; (Job 33:13-30) which is a work greater than even Christ did! (John 14:12) And, because of the tribulation, young and old alike are right now facing the end of days [of this wicked "old world system"] and have the one same and only hope: Personal faith in Christ. The tribulation has robbed the hope of a "normal" life away from everyone, young and old alike. (Mark 13:19-20) Some (foolishly, I think) say the most glorious act for a human is to give their life in support a truly noble cause. I don't want to die but to live! (John 14:12) Live or die, however, this is my hope and being found in support of truth is the most noble of all causes! Every hope and dream and relationship I have is measured against this reality; which is my faith. Are you my friend sharing my faith? If I am wrong, show me from the Bible! Let me know YOU...
        • Email: support@justbibletruth.com
One person was hurt or upset because he just had to watch as an elderly childhood friend die an agonizing death from a loathsome disease; and now, hears me droning on about my hope to live forever. Why do I imagine I am so special, he naturally questions? Well, was Rahab special for keeping her family alive, while all their neighbors died? (Joshua 6:20-23 of 2:1-6:25) Rahab wasn't even a Jew. [Being a Jew or Jewish proselyte (convert) was the only way to please God before Christ. Since Christ arrived, Jew or Gentile, you must become a Christian. (Gal 3:26-29)] Rahab was a Canaanite prostitute in the condemned city of Jericho. Actually, her whole race was condemned by God for their depraved practices; (Deu 9:4-6; Num 21:1-3) stemming from their worship of false Gods and their hatred of Israel. [As part of their worship, the Canaanites practiced incest, sodomy, bestiality, magic, spellbinding, spiritism and even the sacrifice of their own children in fire. Clearly, from God's righteous Bible explained view, they deserved to be destroyed. (Deu 18:9-15)] Rahab and all the city had heard of the miracles by the Jewish God יהוה; who is also our Christian God. (Gal 3:26-29; Heb 7:11-25) That means they would have heard about his splitting the Red Sea when He decimated the might of the Egyptian army to set his people free. Rahab was wise! When she found her city in danger from the God of the Hebrews, Rahab expressed faith in the true God by taking action to secure an oath of protection from God's people. Then, she obeyed what יהוה told her to do; and so, was blessed with his gift of life. Rahab was extraordinarily blessed even further to be used by God as an ancestress of Christ [as was the Moabitess Ruth, who became Rahab's daughter-in-law, with Ruth's son (and Rahab's grandson) Obed being King David's grandfather. (Mat 1:1-6)] God didn't owe Rahab life. It was his gift to her for her wise demonstration of faith. (James 2:23 of 21-23) God certainly didn't owe life to the other complicit members of the wicked city of Jericho, because Rahab saw a way to exert faith in him to gain her life. Rahab didn't cause the people around her to die because she accepted life... They were already dying [already good as dead]. She exerted herself [stepped from death into life (John 5:24)] because she recognized and acted on what was real; not worrying about what her dying neighbors thought... Until the city fell, Rahab looked just like her neighbors, who did all die. The only perceivable difference was the faith that gathered her with her family into her apartment in the city wall; where the scarlet cord hung from the window as God directed. [Were all Rahab's family righteous, or were they kept alive because of her? I don't know! The Bible does teach righteous people can learn righteousness from other righteous people. (Pro 13:20; Pro 27:17) Jesus's 12 disciples did include 2 sets of brothers. (Mat 10:2-4) So, I'm sure you can now see why I want to reevaluate the close relationships I've had in youth...] After the city fell, the obvious striking difference about Rahab was she was alive while all the wicked city was dead. [That reveals God's Sacred Secret: (Mark 4:11-12; Rom 16:25-27) Rahab's scarlet cord prefigures faith in the shed blood of Christ, as the theme of the Bible running through its center from Genesis to Revelation. The Sacred Secret of יהוה is the sum total of the knowledge wrapped up in, and bought us by, Jesus Christ! (John 18:37; John 5:19-24)] Rahab's family stayed segregated with her in her apartment, spiritually separated from the vile world surrounding them, and that based on their shared faith. We who share a true [but individual and personal] faith in Christ must do the same. (Luke 17:26-30) Our common similar personal faith in Christ is our protection; it is, don't you now understand, our shared dwelling. This joy and hope I now reveal is foolishness to most of "this world." It is not foolishness! A modern day gift of protection similar to Rahab's, this time through the tribulation and Armageddon, is available to all... It is gained through absolute faith in the Kingdom of Christ as God's means, his only means, of saving! All who understand and have faith in these Bible promises are now gathered [through our shared faith] in our modern version of Rahab's home, anticipating the destruction of all that surrounds us. (1 Thes 5:1-5; 2 Pet 3:5-7) In that same sense, we are similar to Noah and Lot. (2 Pet 2:5-9) [As to those we care about who die? There may be seemingly "nice" people being killed by the tribulation, people who have not yet accepted protection for life by making themselves "compliant subjects" of Christ's Kingdom. If so, God may give them a resurrection and the chance to change. Fortunately, none of us have to judge or even worry about all that. To "stay" alive yourself, be like Rahab: Express your faith in the scarlet cord, doing that today by expressing your unflinching faith in the words of Jesus Christ.]

You well know all these problems I have mentioned are real. Some ridicule and claim I can't prove what I say... (2 Pet 3:3-7) They will say my hope is just an escape, a place for me to run away and hide from their reality. They are exactly right! Their skepticism and disbelief doesn't mean, however, my reality is not also God's reality. (2 Pet 3:1-7) That's what I now set before you; it is what "YOU" must choose! (Deu 30:19-20; Isa 45:22-25) I remain convinced proof of what I say is obvious. יהוה is proving it to all who have good sense. YOU can see proof in the wonder of Creation (Rom 1:18-32) and now in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, including the rapidly escalating tribulation. (Luke 21:28) It is sadly and pathetically comical to see the churches try to ignore it, as they refuse to acknowledge the tribulation identifying the revelation of the established Kingdom of Christ; and the destruction of all the wicked. (Mat 25:31-34; Gen 1:31 of 26-31) All Religionists just want to keep up business as usual. ["Learn wonderful Bible principles," I heard one popular Televangelist beckon, as he eloquently encouraged faith in Christ. He went on to shatter my short lived hope in him by perverting Scripture trying to convince me God's message is to keep sending him (the Televangelist) my money. If you do that, he promised, God will bless you and all is well... How pathetic! How dangerous for all who follow, and certainly more so, for him! (Acts 5:1-6; Psa 3:7)] I do know beyond question, יהוה's promised hope from the Bible is the only thing that makes sense to both explain the problems we face, and give true hope. I know problems arise to cause harm even among family and close friends. Proverbs 14:30 tells us simply that “a calm heart makes the body healthy,” or from another translation, that "peace of mind is the life of the fleshly organism." Those are not just words. That is a promise from God. Meditating on and talking with others about the promises of Christ produces a calm heart and directs us away from dwelling on the things that cause strife and division. It helps us see how silly the cares of this world really are. [Unless, of course, someone is saying "Jesus is not" God's Messiah or Christ (but also not disparaging those who say they just don't know). According to Christ, his followers should not extend blessings to people who "deny" Jesus is sent from God! (1 John 2:22; John 17:9 of 6-10)] Most all "religious people," especially those who imagine themselves Christian, believe “they are peacemakers” and can “talk words” to provide solutions for the problems of others. They "anticipate" respect for their efforts to help... (Mat 23:13-15) Then, many of them become angry when their friends or family don't accept “their solution,” which they have so "faithfully and lovingly" offered. "True Christians,” on the other hand, realize Christ came to help "them" help "themselves"; (Luke 18:9-14; Psa 51:3) and, that only Jesus's words can bring peace to anyone. So, they talk about and share Jesus's words of peace and truth. Christians thus find true joy and peace by applying Christ's words to correct and help their-own-selves; and so, they help others [who are inclined to hear Christ (John 6:44; John 6:65; 2 Chron 16:9)] as a byproduct of helping themselves. (John 15:11) Sharing and talking about Christ's promises, sharing "his" words, that is the source (John 6:63) of our healing and is our eternal life. (Job 33 13-30) That is יהוה's wonderful, simple, beautiful truth…! (John 17:3)

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