--- A note of encouragement for disfellowshipped individuals. ---
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If you are a person disfellowshipped or excommunicated or whatever they call being thrown out, by Jehovah's Witnesses or Catholics or any other religious sect, take heart, this is for you. You well know they have done all in their power to rob away your self esteem and happiness. They do their level best to take away your pride, and to force you into submission to their sect. Letting go of the pride of arrogance is, of course, a good thing; but everyone must be able to have pride in their good conscience before our Creator. All must take pride in recognizing it is to יהוה , and to him alone, they owe and offer their worship and give their obedience. [ יהוה is God's Hebrew name from the original text of the Old Testament.
יהוה sounds like
to English speakers] Doegs are people we might think of as the opposite of Christians. They are good for nothing persons who have given up their integrity in exchange for praise and approval from some group of men. Doegs, with elevated titles and seeking only approval by other men, can't comprehend men and women who will not cower before them, as they do others. Seeking power is likely the only reason Doegs submit to their organization: In their hope of gaining power over lower individuals. Such Doegs will invariably attack righteously inclined individuals (Christians); either because they fear how they are different, or just because they hate them. (John 15:17‑25)
The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Catholics and... tries to justify and gain support for their policy of public disfellowshipping by asserting that all who are disfellowshipped are guilty of committing, and of un-repentantly practicing,some gross scriptural crime. They will further claim they have only the well being of the disfellowshipped individuals at heart; asserting the reason for their hateful action is their hope they can force the disfellowshipped individual to repent and return to the fold. In this way they trick their flock into believing they are actually helping the disfellowshipped individual by supporting the organization's wicked judgment. In their imagination, you see, no one can have God's favor apart from the blessing of the organization. Their assertions [that all disfellowshipped persons are unrepentant practicers of sin] is not true a lie, I extend a message of hope and enlightenment to those judged wicked by these sects. The facts suggest their real goal is to enforce abject obeisance to their organizations; and then to guarantee those who have fallen under their spell don't see the light, as it were, or cause others they have deceived to do so. [Their leaders want to ensure their sheep don't recognize they are wolves in sheep's covering, right in their midst. (Matthew 7:15)] Sadly, Doegs have come to imagine loyalty to [and worship of] their organization, and loyalty to and worship of יהוה is one and the same thing. It is simply not so! Please see: justbibletruth.com/BeingADoeg.html and justbibletruth.com/Disfellowship.html for further information.
If we are to be happy, we must maintain a good conscience before the true God. (Matthew 5:3) For that relationship with God to have value, it must be based on our faith in God's son Christ Jesus: It must be based on truth. We must believe we are acting in a way acceptable to יהוה to be truly happy. We do that by being led by our conscience; if our conscience based on what we know God's son taught. (Romans 2:12-16) To have an approved relationship with our Creator then, we must write God's law of love upon our own heart. [That new law of love being delivered us by Christ Jesus, as his words fulfilled and took out of the way the old Jewish law code.] (Romans 13:8-10) The law of love contained in Christ's words becomes written on our heart (being learned by us and becoming important to us) so as to become our conscience, and in turn, our judge. (John 12:48)
Viewed from another perspective: Learning what Jesus taught and then writing it in our heart to guide us, defines us as being noble minded in the mind our Creator. (Acts 17:11) It defines us as Christians. We will gain salvation for life through our faith in Christ Jesus; as long as we strive to be faithful, and therefore obedient to his Father יהוה . (John 14:23-24 ; 1 John 5:3) The Doegs of these groups [representing themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses or Catholics or...] have elevated themselves to sit as judges over who is Christ's friend and who is wicked. (Matthew 23:2) They have no respect for an individuals need to please our Creator, and imagine they have supplanted God as judges of who is pleasing to him. If you permit them to steal away your noble mindedness, by allowing them to make you feel their judgment is that of God, it is your own fault and responsibility. You are responsible because Jesus warned us against such judgmental men. (John 16:1-4) They will use scriptures like Matthew 18:18-20 in support of their judgment. Remember though: Those early Christians had holy spirit so as to be able to raise the dead and heal the sick. (Matthew 10:7-8) They were living through the period of change from Judaism to Christianity, and the miracles they performed provided clear proof they were now יהוה chosen people. Their miracles proved they had God's spirit to establish Christianity for Jews as well as for everyone else. Reading hearts to render judgment was one of those gifts of the spirit. The Bible cannon is now closed, and we rely on faith in God's completed word. Those gifts of the spirit are no longer necessary as we now live by faith. (Romans 1:16-17) Anyone who claims to have holy spirit to judge who is wicked today; should also be able to raise the dead and heal the sick.
Please don't misunderstand the intent of this letter: If you are practicing some behavior that is condemned by Jesus in the Bible, you are responsible before our Creator to make necessary changes based upon your own Bible knowledge. We certainly lay no claim to being able to absolve you of your sins. As you learn the truth of the Bible however, and you realize all actions disapproved by God will make you miserable and will finally kill you; those sinful practices are easier to abandon. [As we realize יהוה 's spirit is the only thing that can help us, we want to avoid doing things that will make us unclean and separate us from his help.] It is only יהוה who is judge of whether you are upright, and it is only your Bible trained conscience that enables you to know if you are pleasing to him. It is absurd to turn that authority for your judgment over to a group of imperfect men; no matter what grandiose claims they may make for themselves. They are not your judges! (John 12:47-50) For example: Imagine a young woman who marries a man before really knowing him, and then has children with him. The man starts taking drugs and becomes abusive. The woman fears for the well being of herself and her children. She flees from the husband. In time she meets another man and comes to know him well over time. She believes him to be a kind man. The woman divorces her first husband and marries the man she believes to be kind. Some who are Doegs are quick to render public judgment against such persons, judging the woman wicked by using Mark 10:11-12. Some pious individuals might even announce publicly she is disfellowshipped or excommunicated, and that no one, even her own family, should speak to her. They would then try to poison her children against her. Such an action of leaving a mate would be a serious situation to be in, mind you! יהוה will judge all of us. It should be sobering for each of us, as we strive to peer at ourselves in the mirror of the the words of Christ (John 15:22; John 12:48) and then to judge so as to make necessary changes. (James 1:25) The point is, though; we must all define ourselves by listening to Christ, not the laws or approval of other men. Defining who we are by the words of Christ is the purpose of life. (Mat 17:5; Ecclesiastes 12:13) No one can do it for you. No one can judge if you have done it properly. If the woman in the example was sorry for anything she did to cause the situation, and was sure in her own Bible trained conscience she was doing her best to express love for יהוה and for others; then it is resolved between her and יהוה . It is only her own Bible trained conscience that can accuse or excuse her. (Romans 2:15) It is not for any imperfect men to judge, and certainly not publicly! It would seem to call into question the faithfulness of any who blindly support disfellowshipping and similar practices. It must be defined as blind support, because it is a judgment announced publicly but rendered in secret and unexplained.
Imagine another example, if you will: Imagine that two men titled "elders" or "priests" lied about and disfellowshipped a third man. Imagine that third man came and sat in the back of their kingdom hall or church for 20 years with no one speaking to him. Imagine how his family must have felt toward him, as he was judged a practicing willful and unrepentant sinner: Publicly judged an enemy of our Creator. He could not say he was sorry [confess his sins] because he had done nothing wrong. His family was certainly hurt, or maybe the family unit destroyed during those 20 years of abuse. Who is responsible for the sins of the whole organization against that innocent man? The organization will try and assert the men rendering the wicked judgment are solely to blame. By publicly asserting those "elder" men were appointed by יהוה , the organization seems to assign blame to God for their badness. All who share in supporting an arrangement causing such abuse, or even allowing for such abuse, are responsible. You don't have to imagine this second example; it really happened. The organization freely and publicly admitted this sin a few years ago. Sadly, they have not altered their practices to protect such innocent men and women. They give lip service to the problem by saying wicked ones should not do that way, (1 Samuel 2:23) but they make no changes to stop them. (1 Samuel 3:13 ; 1 Samuel 4:10-18)
Many among Jehovah's Witnesses or Catholics or Mormons etc., realize judgment rendered by some [of their Doeg] elders and priests proves to be unrighteous judgment. Please see justbibletruth.com/Disfellowship.html. These organizations teache, however, that all "elder" men and "priests" are appointed and given their title directly by God's holy spirit; that everyone should therefore respect what ever judgment those ones render, as coming from God. There is a common joke among members of this organization: "I don't know who appoints them [as elders or priests]," they will say privately, "but I know who removes them." What they mean by that joke [it is a very serious matter and nothing to joke about] is they are not really foolish enough to imagine those men are all appointed by יהוה God; but they try to believe God is removing those who prove unloving and bad. What a weak [and sad] response to something they recognize to be wrong. Questions arise: Who is responsible for the damage such men do to individuals and families during the time they are deluded to imagine themselves judges over others; encouraged to imagine they have been appointed as judges directly by their God יהוה ? Who is responsible for their delusion in the first place? Everyone who acts as a Doeg by following after and supporting their organizations judgment would seem responsible. Who is responsible is, of course, a judgment being rendered by God based on our response to the words of Christ Jesus. (John 12:47-48)
So then: If you are not convicted under your own conscience of practicing some badness, and/or your desire is to draw close to יהוה and build a relationship apart from the judgment of men; please join the efforts of those supporting this web site: justbibleturth.com. It seems the day of salvation by Christ's kingdom is at hand. The preaching work is being or is finished, and the man of lawlessness is revealed. ; The revelation of the righteous judgment of our God יהוה is being revealed. Join this effort to support יהוה 's work of making these things known. (1 Samuel 22:1-2 ; John 8:17-18) It seems God often uses the down trodden, and those less esteemed in the eyes of men, to accomplish his will. (Acts 4:13 ; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10) Why not you? Join with those spreading Bible truth. Start by sending this letter to everyone you know who is or has been disfellowshipped by some religious sect. They likely joined the sect as one searching for God and for truth. Don't allow these imperfect men to misdirect you toward settling for submission to their organizational judgment. Return to your search for God through the truth of the Bible. Direct everyone you know to the Bible as the only source of spiritual food; and then to this web site as a help to learn and understand what the Bible teaches. [justbibletruth.com] It is a glorious day to be alive!
This is not an effort to establish a new club or church or any kind of organization; as we would huddle together and make up rules by which to judge others to be members approved by our group. It is our effort to rekindle your faith in the Bible teachings of Christ Jesus, and to enroll you through that faith in the group Jesus started: Consisting of all who sincerely try to guide their lives by Jesus's words. It is an effort to help you realize no group of imperfect men can pat you on the head and assure you have God's blessing, nor can they judge you wicked. If you are one still following after such an organization of men right or wrong; or one living in the shadow of a judgment they have rendered against you, you should check yourself. [You may actually be in support of their bad practice simply by giving it serious consideration or respect; whether you are one disfellowshipped, or are among those shunning others who are. - 1 Cor 4:3-4] The only way any cult that is replacing the Bible with their own teachings, can meaningfully impact your life, is if you bow before them like Doeg and thereby show your faith is in them. (Revelation 19:9-10) Instead of bowing before them, become noble minded by putting your faith in Bible teachings. Be certain everything you build your faith on comes from Christ. That is the purpose of justbibletruth.com; and of this letter.
The Bible teaches those who seek the blessing of men are receiving their reward in full. (Matthew 6:2) There is no reason to be concerned about them; beyond speaking truth to them. (Ephesians 4:25) This letter is not intended as an attack on religionists. If they feel they are doing good, they will have their judgment; as will we all. It seems some among the churches are sincere. This is an effort to free all sincere individuals who are being misled under the teachings of men, and especially those who have been wrongly disfellowshipped or excommunicated. It is an effort to free us all from the burden of the unrighteous judgment and teachings of imperfect or bad men. Know the truth of the Bible, and it will protect you or set you free of all such enslavement. (John 8:32)
יהוה God's blessings upon all who seek out (Acts 17:26-27 ; Acts 15:15-18) and share the truth of the Bible; upon all those who support the teachings of our lord Christ Jesus without arrogance and hypocrisy.
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